• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
will you be covering channa laos flameback/fireback? ive read through all pages in this post and didnt see it, please correct me if i am mistaken :)
Channa maculata aka blotched snakehead size should be revise. Almost 2 years ago, a snakehead was found in Central Park, Burnaby, BC, Canada. It was thought as a Northern Snakehead aka Channa argus but DNA studies confirmed the snakehead was a Blotched Snakehead aka Channa maculata. It was 75cm long. Biggest recored ever, since we all thought that they only max out at 12-13". I had them before and they were at 16-18" but was skeptical if they were just only channa argus as the store sold them to as channa maculata from China.
Looks like an arapaima to me. But then again the dorsal does come too far foward. It`s just that up turned mouth looks so like a. gigas.