Chris, with this bio load, this sounds impossible. What test kit are you using? If it's the API master test kit, are you following the nitrate test instructions to a "T"?
We do primarily change water to manage nitrates, but not doing a WC in almost a year, while topping up the tank level is going to mess with the water's KH and GH (among other things), that eventually you're going to have a pH crash that will do in the tank.
I'm another pothos keeper and have a big one in my 75g where I keep an adult oscar and green severum. My pothos is big and constantly growing with a huge root mass. I notice zero nitrate reduction with this plant in the tank. I keep my nitrate creep below 20ppm by doing a weekly fin-level water change on this tank.
This isn't the most recent pic of my pothos. It's got 4-5 large runners that hang 2-3 feet from the back of the tank that you can't see from the pic.