CHINESE PERCH.....Siniperca chuatsi

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
kendragon;4814373; said:
Very nice color and pattern on it.
They can change the mottling really fast, the other one has a lot more red on him but he hides more, this one is the dominant fish
Those are awesome, ive never really looked into perch but now im really interested
convict94;4814388; said:
Those are awesome, ive never really looked into perch but now im really interested
Thanks, try 'em, you'll probably like them..

I keep these guys at about 68 degrees, doesn't seem to cut down on their aggression towards each other though. They can really rip each other up with their teeth! I didn't realize they had as big of teeth as they do, you can kind of see them here..


they occasionally flare at each other like this, very cichlid like
Wow, didn't know they had Chops!!
I bet they eat like 40feeders a day. Last Chinese perch I had ate like a Monster... I sold one and a couple months later he actually popped on the buyer.

:popcorn: on the Japanese Perch :D
He's amazing!
I bought one by accident and returned is the next day. I thought I was buying a small native fish. The LFS actually pressured me into buying it and I fell for it. Mine was nice and red, too. If you offered it to me today, I'd pass. Not because they aren't awesome, but because my adonis has already taken the role of main pooper. :) Chuatsi just gets too big for my tastes as a perch. But that is one beautiful monster right there.
West1;4814407; said:
Wow, didn't know they had Chops!!
I bet they eat like 40feeders a day. Last Chinese perch I had ate like a Monster... I sold one and a couple months later he actually popped on the buyer.

:popcorn: on the Japanese Perch :D
I didn't either, they both had scratches between their eyes, thought it was HITH, was just from their teeth scratching each other when they would spar. Split their tank into two distinct territories and they don't fight as much any more.

It's amazing how much they can eat, I'm pretty careful about not overfeeding them. Crazy that he popped!!

Working on J perch shots :)

Fully irritated here...
I'm Not a fan of perch but that one is awesome.