Cichlasoma sp. "La Palma" EGGS!!! :D

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Just bored so I thought you guys might enjoy a brief video of my Cichlasoma sp. "La Palma". Oh one of my male Gymnogeophagus sp. "Catalan Grande" makes a guest appearance and yesterday I discovered the female holding!!! Thread to come in the future


They look great nice job with them Armand! Congrats on the gymno's as well. I missed this thread before thanks for bumping it.
How big are the fry now?

Mine keep going through the motions, but no eggs yet....

They're in with a bunch of Uruguayan plecos.


Fry are about 1/2 inch to 1 inch and there are about 100 of them. I had a trio of ancistrus in with my La Palma but I moved them out last May for fear they'd eat the eggs when they did spawn. What temp are yours at?