Cinder block stand

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Even 3 high, that looks like someone could bump them or a small quake and they're going to pancake.
I'd imagine it would take a really big and solid person to bump and move a tank set up in such a manner.
J jaws7777 this setup your running for a long time? That size tank either cinder or milk crate will work. I had my pup setup for at less a year before I broke it down. Cinders are heavy to move but not milk crates. If floor isn’t leveled a lot I lifted it alone. If more than 1/4” than shim it with composite shims. Enjoy and good luck.
J jaws7777 this setup your running for a long time? That size tank either cinder or milk crate will work. I had my pup setup for at less a year before I broke it down. Cinders are heavy to move but not milk crates. If floor isn’t leveled a lot I lifted it alone. If more than 1/4” than shim it with composite shims. Enjoy and good luck.

All 4 sides of the cinder gets shimmed right
That's crazy about the milk crates. lol Home Depot here sells them, but they don't appear to be as strong as the ones from some of the milk companies.
All 4 sides of the cinder gets shimmed right

I would level the blocks 1st than put tank on and level that. If tank not sitting even by 1/4” than shim more to level the tank but always level the blocks 1st. Try not have the tank sit twisted which will cause a lot of stress to tank. If not leveled from front to back or side to side very little I would just leave it (<1/4”)... all my setup I shim them so all tanks sit front little higher so god for bit anything its not falling forward.

My milk crates setup was up and running for year or more till I took it down. Everything worked and I didn’t put any 2x4” to span the tanks length.
My fishroom is entirely on concrete blocks (6" ones) and two-by wood. Works great!


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