I also went fishing today.Nice catches, unfortunaly i didnt even get a bite today but my brother did.I'll have pics up of the day in a few minutes,so check out "fishing season 09" .
We went to the last spot of the day and when we pulled up there was some kids fishing the run off pool that drops off from the main lake.I noticed they were catching fish,so i made my way down there to see wat they were catching.When i got down the hill and looked down into this little foot tube they were using to keep there catches in.I asked the ring leader of the bunch wat he thought they were.He replind quickly by saying "shinners", i had never seen one before so i didnt know wat they were.I immediatly said to myself that i would do a thread called "WHAT IS IT PART 2!!!! but i read this tread first and seen the fish u called a "shinner " looks just like the fish the kid was catching.