Considering a Tropical Pond

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
wow great build man. Have you thought about chinese highfin sharks? They would do just fine in the cold weather
Pretty sweet...I would start pulling some of the "duller" koi and replacing them with some nice stuff...or other coldwater tolerant fish. You should get some nice sized pacu in there, I cant wait to see how big mine get spending the summer outside in their pond.
Yet another stocking suggestion from me: stertlet sturgeon!!! i've always wanted to keep one of these. They're friendly, peaceful, and would impress any of your friends because they look like a shark and are rarely seen in home ponds, especially with water as clear as yours. You can get a juvi on aquabid for pretty cheap and he'd grow pretty fast in such a large pond. And for schooling fish, my vote goes to either jumbo zebra danios or rosy reds with a large piece of driftwood to shelter them so they can have a place to feel safe to breed.
I want this pond so bad. I always think that it would be easier to convert a built in pool into a pond then to build a pond from scratch and this sure does make it look nice!

just for your information incase anybody says you can't keep a sturgeon in a pond., trust me, your pond is large enough, you'll probably just need to cull your current stock a little bit every year to keep the pond from overcrowding as it grows.
The only thing about sturgeons is that they are not detritivores. They feed on inverts. They also have inferior mouths, and are bottom swimmers so you are going to have to get in and target feed this thing in a system like this.

That is if you can get in and get close enough to it without it freaking out.
redtailcatfreak;5130430; said:
wow great build man. Have you thought about chinese highfin sharks? They would do just fine in the cold weather

I tried 2 of them, about 5" long. They're pretty slow moving and my catfish ate them. If I ever come across a bigger one I'll try again.