Considering a Tropical Pond

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
As the water has warmed up and I've been feeding more the water has started having some foaming as organics are building up. Hiatt system are very efficient at gobbling up organics IME so I decided to add a small torpedo filter with 10 lbs of tribase carbon plus the Right Now bacteria. Out of dumb luck it was easy enough to install off of the wall mounted fountain and adjust the flow rate to the 600 gph I needed for the 10 lbs of carbon I used. It will be interesting to see if this small setup makes a difference on 25,000 gallons. Now I just need to build a cover for it. For those not familiar with Hiatt filtration you can read about it here


I've also been playing around with designs to get the ebb & flow system on my stock tanks to work better. It took a while to get a drain that would always start a siphon and always break the siphon. Finally came up with something that works all the time. There's a very small hole in the cap. I don't understand the physics of it but the siphon starts & breaks every time now and it lets me drain the drain tanks all the way down now.

The physics of that were interesting to me as I was building my first pond filtration as well.

Let see some cool new fish!
Have you considered building a foam fractionator to remove organics?
I've seen the DIY fractionators and the commercial ones. I think the Hiatt will do a better job breaking down organics and I have 2 more red torpedos canisters so I can expand it if need be. When I used to own an LFS I used a hiatt setup on my liverock curing tank and it far outperformed the huge protein skimmer that I was using before the Hiatt. Also used it on our feeder tanks and it let me keep 1000 feeder goldfish in a 55 gallon with nitrates never going above 10.
man texas is a great place to live the only thing is this bad drought we have right now, that and we can't keep FW rays sweet pond u got there.
Yeah the drought is awful. I'm starting to lose some trees on my property.

And yeah are laws are pretty strict. I wish I could get some water hyacinth for my pond but $200 up to $2000 fine plus up to 180 days in jail PER PLANT!
Same fines for Water Lettuce too?
^^^not something i'd want to interpret myself. i'd call the dept and ask for clarification in writing.