Considering a Tropical Pond

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Thanks for the comments everyone.

Awesome that you are keeping it tropical. I'm just concerned that pbass won't make the low temps you get every once in a while.

Yeah I'm a little concerned too, that's why I'm just sticking with these inexpensive mono's for now. We've had some pretty cold temps the last couple of weeks with alot of nights around freezing down to the low 20's and I have been able to keep the temp at 70 without much trouble.The hardest times have been with cold nights and cold cloudy days since I don't get any daytime heating. Fortunately we don't get much of that weather here. Most of the time in winter we only get cloudy weather when we are getting warm gulf air. The greenhouse film really does a great job of adding heat if it is sunny. I have a couple of ideas for next winter that I think will let me keep it a little warmer.

I found a Texas parks and wildlife study on pbass temperature tolerance from when they were trying to stock them here as a sportfish. They said the fish lost equilibrium in the low 60's but recovered quickly when warmed to 70F. So if that study is correct I should be good.

Crissroom - your advice on the big cats is right on, but your right it is tempting I can't resist lol.
You're tank is amazing man!!! I just read the entire thread and its amazing how much time and commitment you put in this tank! How big are the pacus now?

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Thanks, it's been fun and a learning experience. I think I'm getting it all figured out now though.

You must have missed this post from last winter...

Well I can officially report that this study is wrong. The water temp dropped to 54F with the recent cold spell and the Pacu went belly up.

I'm not going to get pacu again. They would occassionally take a chunk off the koi's fins and they put a few chips in the plaster trying to scrape algae off the sides with those nasty teeth they have. Plus they made me a little nervous when I would get in the pool.
I think eels would just end up in my botttom drain. Maybe someday we'll get out of the drought and I can drain the pond and fix that issue.

I actually put a small snook in a few months ago and it jumped out, I found it dried up the next day next to the pond. Maybe I'll try another one.
Thanks, it's been fun and a learning experience. I think I'm getting it all figured out now though.

You must have missed this post from last winter...

I'm not going to get pacu again. They would occassionally take a chunk off the koi's fins and they put a few chips in the plaster trying to scrape algae off the sides with those nasty teeth they have. Plus they made me a little nervous when I would get in the pool.

Yeah I haven't been on for about a year and I just made a new reboot account. Sorry to here about the pacus have you considered trying any sturgeon yet? I have a sterlet in my brackish tank and they're a very neat fish that do well in ponds

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I forgot I had thrown an african cichlid baby (hap hybrid) from one of my tanks in the pond back during the summer. Well I had the cover pulled back today because it's quite warm and there he was eating pellets now about 4" and colored up awesome I mean really amazing coloration. So it has me thinking of abandoning my plans of pbass and other big predators and going with african cichlids instead. Lot's of larger malawi haps/frontosa etc. The upside would be easy feeding, they like our hard water here, and I wouldn't have to put so much effort into growingout/pellet training/etc. (these pbass have been a pita to get off of live). What to do what to do?????