Creek Chub

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Northern Pike

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 1, 2010
Ok so here is my only(so far) and coolest native in my collection. One of the only fish i can require legally because it is considered bait and was bought from a bait store. It is called a Creek Chub(Semotilus atromaculatus).So here is the care sheet written by me NorthernPike.

female(Pics are not mine!)(SKINNY!)

Sexing/Breeding:As you see the male develops spikes which "bulge out" at breeding season which is around early April/May depending on your whereabouts and weather.No known person has successfully bred Creek Chubs in captivity that was documented.
Size:In the wild I've caught them up to 12inches but in captivity they max out at around 8" or less.
Acquiring:Most trout streams will have a population of Creek Chubs but other streams will have them to. To catch them you can use a very small hook with relatively anything.ex.corn, bread, worms. They can also be caught on fly tackle.
Tank Size: I'd say minimum 20gallons for 1-3 but anything larger is recommended to. (VERY ACTIVE AND FAST MOVING FISH AND HAVE A SECURE TOP THEY WILL JUMP OUT!)
Food:Very easy, any kind of worms, smaller fish, fish food, and anything non toxic that you would feed any other fish.(Very fast growers and produce a lot of waist so look out!)
Longevity:In the wild about 5 years, but in captivity they can live from 4-11+years if cared for correctly.

*Credits:Written by ME. FEEL FREE TO POST YOUR CHUB PICS. Really cool fish for native beginners. Also feel free to touch up loose ends I will not be offended, AND MIX THESE WITH OTHER FISH AT YOUR OWN RISK, SMALLER FISH CAN AND WILL BE EATEN!P.S. GO OUT AND CHECK YOUR STATE LAWS TO MAKE SURE IT IS LEGAL FOR YOU TO OWN THIS SPECIES.*
I used to keep creek chubs and they have a dark stripe down an elongated body.... coloring similar to a largemouth bass when they are very small?
boozeboxer;4234647; said:
I used to keep creek chubs and they have a dark stripe down an elongated body.... coloring similar to a largemouth bass when they are very small?

I've seen creek chubs in the wild and mistaken them for lmbs, so I get what your saying.
i happen to have a picture of a creek chub that i now have...he is a juvenile. they look nothing like a LMB though. but like most all shiners at juvenile age they have the balck stripe...
