Creek Chub

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
this is not my pic but this is a LMB juvenile of the same size

Yes, I know to an experienced fish guy out of the water they don't look like large mouth bass, but in the creek or in a bucket they give that appearance.

Do you validate?
ive owned alot of creek chubs but they usaly just end up as feeders. but in my friends aquarium(jackdempseychan) he used to have chubs that were about 15+" they were in a square 56g(home made). in the wild ive seen even larger. but the places they were got washed away in a flash flood so it completly changed the landscape. so i havent seen them for a year or so.
boozeboxer;4234981; said:
Yes, I know to an experienced fish guy out of the water they don't look like large mouth bass, but in the creek or in a bucket they give that appearance.

Do you validate?

i dont know....i mean bass fry and juveniles are black in the water usually till they get a lil older.
all_or_nothin;4235086; said:
ive owned alot of creek chubs but they usaly just end up as feeders. but in my friends aquarium(jackdempseychan) he used to have chubs that were about 15+" they were in a square 56g(home made). in the wild ive seen even larger. but the places they were got washed away in a flash flood so it completly changed the landscape. so i havent seen them for a year or so.
15 inches? sure they weren't river chubs?
Northern Pike;4235615; said:
15 inches? sure they weren't river chubs?

i catch creek chub 12 plus inches in the shawsheen river wich is a stream in mass using a rooster tail or a small silver spoon or castmaster they prob can reach 15 inchs but the ones that i usally catch 12 plus inches are the males with the bumps on the head and the purpleish blueish color. the females tend to be smaller....
This is my Chub....

His name is Chubby.

You can also see the reflection of my Longear Sunfish.

This is their temporary home till we move then I will either have them a 55 or 90 gal setup then possibly add another Chub and Sunfish or ??????

(helps if i load the pic :screwy: )
