boozeboxer;4234981; said:Yes, I know to an experienced fish guy out of the water they don't look like large mouth bass, but in the creek or in a bucket they give that appearance.
Do you validate?
15 inches? sure they weren't river chubs?all_or_nothin;4235086; said:ive owned alot of creek chubs but they usaly just end up as feeders. but in my friends aquarium(jackdempseychan) he used to have chubs that were about 15+" they were in a square 56g(home made). in the wild ive seen even larger. but the places they were got washed away in a flash flood so it completly changed the landscape. so i havent seen them for a year or so.
I was thinking Fallfish.....which alot of people call creek chubs out east.Northern Pike;4235615;4235615 said:15 inches? sure they weren't river chubs?
Northern Pike;4235615; said:15 inches? sure they weren't river chubs?