Here is the full text from the link, it's obvious
that Vinny Kutty doees not agree with Mr Ploeg's placement. For what it's worth, many experienced pike keepers agree with Vinny.
Crenicichla rosemariae, Kullander, 1997
Distribution: Upper Xingu, Brazil. Known (until this fish was caught) only from the type locality, a headwater stream of Rio Suia-Missu.
Size: 12 inches
Originally published in: Ichthyological Explorations of Freshwaters 7 (3/4); p 279-288
Comments: Collected in Rio Comandante Fontoura by Matias using hook and line. This fish has not been exported to North America yet. Although I suspect it had made its way to Japan under the name C. sp. Suia Missu. The fish above is a male - females do not sport the red spots. It is unique among the lugubris group in displaying sexual dichromatism. Females are olive with vague traces of vertical bars, orange iris, deep orange cheek and salmon orange chest. Overall, a very colorful and unique fish. Alex Ploeg (1991) examined the type series and lumped them with C. johanna. Huh? Not sure how that's possible!
Type specimens were caught in a pool with very clear water. Cichlasoma araguiaense and Mesonauta acora are two species found in similar lentic habitats. However, these two other cichlids are also found in Rio Tocantins. Could it be that C. rosemariae is as well? May be.
A photo taken by Harald Schulz in the 1960s is published in Atlas des cichlides. 1993. No4/93. Rev. Fr. Cichlidophiles, 131 (suppl.): 1 - 16. I have not seen this image - if any of you out there have a copy, I'd love to see it. Thanks.
Local Name: Rubanana
Type locality: Corrego do Gato, Rio Xingu drainage, Para, Brazil
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