• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Cribroheros robertsoni (pics and input)

As of now my 220gal is centered around the Upper Usumacinta Basin in Guatemala, more specifically Lachua Lake.

My inspiration came from this research paper I came across:

It goes into great detail the species that are found in not only the lake itself, but also the different micro ecosystems within it. While my current robertsoni are not specifically from this area, the species itself is (as are the rest of my stock).

Very cool.
They are doing great. Still not interested in pellets but eating flake food. While I would rather simply just feed pellets, if they prefer flake then I suppose I'll continue feeding it. All my others prefer pellets as that is what I have always fed...

I'll have to post a new thread overviewing my entire setup. I am not real happy with the current scape as it was thrown together rather quickly after removing my group of T. meeki but I suppose it's "post worthy".

yeah, man..your tank is definitely post worthy ;) lol :)
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They are doing great. Still not interested in pellets but eating flake food. While I would rather simply just feed pellets, if they prefer flake then I suppose I'll continue feeding it. All my others prefer pellets as that is what I have always fed...

I'll have to post a new thread overviewing my entire setup. I am not real happy with the current scape as it was thrown together rather quickly after removing my group of T. meeki but I suppose it's "post worthy".

yeah, man..your tank is definitely post worthy ;) lol :)
I just scrolled through that paper and it is an incredibly good find! How did you come across that? I am currently studying fish and wildlife management/biology and that kind of stuff is right up my alley. I am definitely going to read through that when I have the time. Thanks again.
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I just scrolled through that paper and it is an incredibly good find! How did you come across that? I am currently studying fish and wildlife management/biology and that kind of stuff is right up my alley. I am definitely going to read through that when I have the time. Thanks again.

I found it by accident Googling “cribroheros cf. robertsoni”. I am of course a huge cribroheros fan and always want to learn more. Funny thing is, I’ve been searching for this for quite awhile.
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If I had more space like a fish room, it would mostly consist of different cribroheros, thorichthys and trichromis cichlids.