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Damn, my little albino SH is a killer

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rumblesushi said:
seriously? Why are albinos meant to be less aggressive?

that i do not know... something to do with the breeding genetics.

anyway the albino SH here aren't aggressive like yours... quite calm and gentle...
actually that looks like an albino striata rather than a red.. even the link you posted is a pic of an albino striata.. they probably mis-labeled it.. another way to id them is striatas mostly stay at the bottom of the tank while red/giant's usually at the top ;)
ive foung most of the larger snakeheads to be aggresive to simaler looking fish, i had a channa maurilus with a spotted gar both were small only 5" and the channa would bully the gar all day so obvioulsy i moved into my only availiable a pair of jags supprising the channa survied about 4 months befor it jumped out. i now have a nother channa maurilus in a crowded comm with the same gar an no problems both fish are about 9" my green 4" green terror keeps the channa in check . i also have a 13" channa aurantimaculata that at one point wouldn't tolerate tankmates but i had to add him the the comm and now he's in a crowded space he's calmed alot. What im trying to say you give a larger species of channa a tank with one tankmate im guessing it will try an kill it. Ive had sucess with small channa's like blehri and bankenisis with where the blehri wouldn't even touch feeders i put in an the bankenisis was far from aggresive.
its probably still channa striata, micropetes are more free swimming. you'll probably have to wait til its a little larger for a positive id
its not constantly swimming but it's a pretty active fish. Darts around a lot, comes to the glass, sits on things. Chases anything you put in with it :D

If it is a striata, how big do they usuallly get in an aquarium? And what are they like temperament-wise compared to micropeltes?

PS - I got it in a place in East Grinstead. They'd only had it a day.
the molly looked nothing like the SH, yet my little channa tore it to shreds :D

Even attempted to grab it by the tail and do the alligator death roll, but it didn't last long, the tail was too thin and the molly was too heavy :D
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