ive foung most of the larger snakeheads to be aggresive to simaler looking fish, i had a channa maurilus with a spotted gar both were small only 5" and the channa would bully the gar all day so obvioulsy i moved into my only availiable a pair of jags supprising the channa survied about 4 months befor it jumped out. i now have a nother channa maurilus in a crowded comm with the same gar an no problems both fish are about 9" my green 4" green terror keeps the channa in check . i also have a 13" channa aurantimaculata that at one point wouldn't tolerate tankmates but i had to add him the the comm and now he's in a crowded space he's calmed alot. What im trying to say you give a larger species of channa a tank with one tankmate im guessing it will try an kill it. Ive had sucess with small channa's like blehri and bankenisis with where the blehri wouldn't even touch feeders i put in an the bankenisis was far from aggresive.