Alright so I have a question. As you may have seen I switched to T5HO lights. I have a 55g tank and want to go live plants. I had a GLO Double T5 fixture (with two T5 power-glos 18,000K). Cardona stated that it may be way overkill with two bulbs so I changed the fixture and got one Life-Glo 6,700K 54W bulb in it now. I want to grow various plants, along with some ground cover.
I use a magnum 350 canister filter with AMMO CARB in it.. .are you saying I should get rid of this and just put the bio wheel in the canister?
I use Flourish Excel (2 capfuls) on a daily basis. I also put a root tab in for when i get new plants that need better roots..
I also have a bubbler in the center of the tank.. should i get rid of this also?
What do you advise? I am reading many posts, but a lot of them tend to counter each other...