Debunked: CO2-Myth --- See tanks without carbon dioxide fertilization

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
well, I'm glad I came across this as I'm doing research to make my 55 gallon tank planted. I will be running a sump setup, in case it matters. basically, I should have no issues, no matter what the plant? I will be purchasing a 216w light I found on ebay, so around 4wpg on this setup.
I have found that a little less light in a newly planted tank helps keep the algae to a minimum. I wait for the plants to take hold and start sucking up the nutrients then increase the light to get things in full gear. I also have found that with good substrate and a root fertilizing schedule there isn't much need for co2.
i agree. most of the time issues in planted tanks are caused by TOO MUCH light, especially in the first couple weeks/months.

and sorry for the delay in response.

mgamer20o0;3341143; said:
when looking over your pics it looks like most of your plants are lower light plants. lots of crypts java ferns and moss with some more medium light plants sags swords hair grass. most of those really wouldnt benefit from the addition to co2 anyways.

Absolutely right. Gotta choose your plants wisely :D On the other hand, I wouldn't call G. elatinoides a lower/medium light plant. But for the most part you're right.

CoryWM;3290577; said:
Ps, I'll pm you one of these days, for some tips harlyk.

I was out with disabled PM, but feel free to now drop me a line if I can be of help.

Alright so I have a question. As you may have seen I switched to T5HO lights. I have a 55g tank and want to go live plants. I had a GLO Double T5 fixture (with two T5 power-glos 18,000K). Cardona stated that it may be way overkill with two bulbs so I changed the fixture and got one Life-Glo 6,700K 54W bulb in it now. I want to grow various plants, along with some ground cover.

I use a magnum 350 canister filter with AMMO CARB in it.. .are you saying I should get rid of this and just put the bio wheel in the canister?

I use Flourish Excel (2 capfuls) on a daily basis. I also put a root tab in for when i get new plants that need better roots..

I also have a bubbler in the center of the tank.. should i get rid of this also?

What do you advise? I am reading many posts, but a lot of them tend to counter each other...
pyroman9;3499015;3499015 said:
Alright so I have a question. As you may have seen I switched to T5HO lights. I have a 55g tank and want to go live plants. I had a GLO Double T5 fixture (with two T5 power-glos 18,000K). Cardona stated that it may be way overkill with two bulbs so I changed the fixture and got one Life-Glo 6,700K 54W bulb in it now. I want to grow various plants, along with some ground cover.

I use a magnum 350 canister filter with AMMO CARB in it.. .are you saying I should get rid of this and just put the bio wheel in the canister?

I use Flourish Excel (2 capfuls) on a daily basis. I also put a root tab in for when i get new plants that need better roots..

I also have a bubbler in the center of the tank.. should i get rid of this also?

What do you advise? I am reading many posts, but a lot of them tend to counter each other...
i think youre setup is fine the way you have it. when people talk about getting rid of anything that causes excess water movement its because theyre using pressurized co2 as water movement will gas off your co2. since youre using excel for your source of carbon, you have no issues. its in liquid form, so you dont have to worry about it being gassed off...
So leave the ammo-carb in the filter?

I am trying to get med - high light in the tank... so i am trying to find out what else i need to add to the tank to get that.
alright so after reading some post it seems that i need 2 wpg+ to support medium light. so wouldnt it be beneficial to get that dual light back and then have 110w in a 55g tank?
I have to disagree. While you can have well planted tanks with easy to grow plants, having a proper C02 system will bring the setup to the next level. Plants grow noticeably faster with CO2 (I have a 20lb pressurized tank). In fact, they grow so fast it becomes a chore clearing out the "forest". You can't get that kind of growth without the amount of CO2 a proper pressurized system gives.

Also, go visit any hardcore plant forum, and you'll see that injected CO2 critical to their setups, and is not anywhere close to being an obsolete practice.