I just discovered this Thread (yeah, I know, it's been a while since my last visit...)
Stupidest thread in history. I cannot believe what I just read in the OP... Sure, fine, one can have a planted tank w.out CO2...just concentrate on growing Anubia, J. Fern, J. Moss, Swords and Crypts. Easy. How does that make the use of CO2 a myth?? I have kept planted tanks for a couple years now, with varying success...I can honestly say that I have not had more success, with more of a variety of plants and less algal issues, than I have since turning to CO2.
Ever tried growing Ludwigia species under low light and no gas?? What about HC...Riccia? ...the list is endless.
Here's an idea, why don't we all turn our CO2 systems off and just grow Anubia...that should make for an interesting and diverse hobby, shouldn't it?? I would like to direct attention to the pic of the 220 gal on page one...nutrient/CO2 defficiency, much?? Everything is YELLOW!
CO2 might not be the be all and end all of planted tanks, one can have a lovely looking setup without it, but to call it a marketing myth is just preposterous.