Yes, that was a trip of a lifetime that I took more than half a lifetime ago!
Basically two of us hiked and camped across the island in August.
Being so close to the Arctic Circle during summer time, it was daylight until very early in the AM. These very long 'days' were interupted briefly by only a couple hours of near darkness, quickly followed again by a very early sunrise.
I recall many 'recently formed' (geologically speaking) areas appearing so devoid of life, so unweathered and untraveled, they resembled lunar photos.
Fish wise, it was a real treat to see colorful little (6") grayling with a big, beautiful dorsal fin swimming in relatively small streams (2-3' wide, only several inches in depth).
I do not even know where my original photo album of this trip may be at this time. At least I found several pages of photos in another book that I could scan to post.
Here are a few others to view. I didn't want to post photos of the Nordic-looking horses or glacially formed valleys containing glacial runoff in the first post. Guess that didn't make much difference as many members here are certainly NOT geopraphically challenged. Great work everyone.