• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Diy 330 gallon project

I got to get some more fish now hopefully this week or next I can find a bigger silver aro, some peacock bass and maybe some silver dollars to add some movement my Dat likes to hide tell I feed him lol
Maybe think about tiger shuvel, and a jardini possibly but I don't want my Dat getting picked on so not sure! Anyone want to send me some ideas what you think I should get ?
Still need to build my cabinet doors for my stand and Paint the stand and finish the outside of the tank too so we will see how that part goes
Looks good with all that filration you should get a ray, if you want a small one get a tea cup. I have a real pretty tiger shovel nose, when he was about 8" he ate my 7" arowana I never imagined he could eat him
Very similar story I got 3 silver aro and my Dat bit all there heads and ate 2 of um 3Rd one got stuck on the filter n died I was so sad there not cheap really sucked they were the same length to aros are just way skinny compared to dats so I might end up getting a 12" or bigger and put him in the new 330 cause he will be way to big for my dat
holy crap that really sucks, I paid like $70 for mine could not imagine 3 of them. I bought a 2' long arrowana from a friend of mine I was going to put in the 320 I bought but the tank split, im building a 600 plywood
Damn 600 wow that'll be nice you can have anything in that sucker wow good for you man hope to see some pictures of that sucker let me know when you start it will ya?