Do ceramic rings work ? Or is it just marketing?


MFK Member
Dec 24, 2013
One of the most interesting aspects of fluidized media, is that the constant motion, and bashing into one another, sloughs off less robust, old colonies making room for more new, robust, more efficient colonies to replace the old ones.
A DIY model below I made our of 4' tall clear PVC by 8" in diameter.

the aragonite used as media also worked as an alkalinity buffer.
But by regular rinsing off of media in bags, a similar exchange of old worn out colonies, making room for newer robust colonies can be achieved (no matter what type media is in the bags)

A 4' tall bio-tower using Scrubbie's and lava rock a media below

The unit above, was the bio-filter in a 75 gal sump, servicing a line of 5 tanks equaling about 400 gallons, a few tanks overstocked, with never a hint of ammonia.
I found a regular blast with the garden hose down the column, helped dislodge old worn out colonies making room for the newer robust ones.
those are some nice diy filters ,Im also trying to diy a fluidized sand filter but i cant find any sizing guidelines like a pound of sand for 50 gallons of water/ 25 grams of x % protein food. So will be really helpful if you could share your experience.


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MFK Member
Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
The plans for mine, were in an old issue of FAMA (Freshwater and Marine Aquarium Magazine) probably mid to late 80s.
In the plans, they were capped and pressurized, but I found being pressurized to be a PITA to maintain. Whenever there was a power outage, or pump stoppage, the media would get back siphoned then stuck in the tubes, and the reactor had to be disassembled.
I removed the tops to make maintenance easier, if there was a back siphon any plumbing could easily be removed without disassembly, and a check valve was added to stop back siphon .
I preferred the tall version to allow for stronger flow that (because of the height) didn't cause media to overflow into to tank or sump.
I made some smaller ones, but 4' of height gave the leeway I needed for a strong flow, and that 4' FB was abe to hand 4-5 tanks without a blink.
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