Down the Tropheus hole

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Tropheus sp. 'black' Bemba 'Flame'
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Last was the first time they didn’t duck for cover when I entered the fish room.BFD63ED1-9480-47BC-AA0D-AD7C01E9D349.jpeg
Round 2 of J regani as tank mates. Added 6 juveniles and a few extra rocks.
The Bemba have settled in well and will feed from my hand.48AA4DEB-69B1-46FC-BF5E-683664278462.jpeg
I feed these guys a healthy pinch of spirulina flake each day. I hold the pinch under water so that it doesn’t just float down the overflow. I did this today and noticed that the tank felt cool and found that the heater was set to 75F which is a little on the cooler side for L Tang. It has been adjusted warmer.
Is lip locking part of the courtship dance? Two of the larger Bemba are swimming circles with body shaking/tremmoring and lip locking.
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I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I’ve pulled two dead within a week. So, since simpler appears to be better I have swapped the Tropheus to the 6ft 90g. I think the overflow box in the 115g was creating a space for territorial disputes.B846346C-98DD-49B3-896C-85A46C997CEE.jpeg1C07EBD0-AA4B-4BCC-9F46-06ACF197CBD1.jpeg
Sounds like the typical tropheus career of many people.
Its hard to tell why exactly you keep losing fish. But there are two big issues that are most likely. Too small tank and too less fish from the start on and you did too many things like changing the tank, changing te decoration, adding tank mates etc. There is a reason why many people say the number one rule for keeping tropheus is "keep your hands out of the tank".
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