Down the Tropheus hole

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
How's it going?
The injured one healed up and was released back into gen population. The dominant male was moved to solitary for a couple weeks and then released back into gen pop. I have left the lights off as well as adding extra PVC pipe hides and some extra rock work. There's still some aggressive chasing but I'm not seeing utter destruction happening.
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I HAVE TROPHEUS FRY!!!!! I saw 2!! Not sure how many but I was worried I didn't have any females. I leave the lights off too to try mitigating the aggression.1000001854.jpg
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I totally understand your excitement. Every time there is new fry I still sit in front of the tank with a big grin on my face and my wife looks at me like I'm totally crazy.
How is the fry doing?
My kids humor me. 😆
They're getting bolder. I saw one darting out to grab feed while an adult was near by. The fry are maybe a half inch currently.
I can pick up 20 one inch juveniles or a dozen 4in adults for about the same cost. Which would be the better option?
Besides from always choosing the bigger group for a better distribution of aggression, I would go for the 20 one inch juveniles. They will grow up together and will not engage in hard fighting from the beginning on. Such fights will happen at some point, but later and in a group that has had time to form some sort of hierarchy.
With the 12 adults the risk for deadly fights is much higher because they are all matured territorial fish and everyone will (have to) fight for their position or sometimes even just for their life until a hierarchy is established.
Which means bigger risk of losing fish and ending up with a too small and therefore unstable group.
What Milingu Milingu said. 100% best option is with the juvies. Good luck
danotaylor danotaylor
Milingu Milingu
Sorry, I should have clarified which species as Dan asked. I am trying to enlarge my Bemba colony.