better yet SB silver,SB jardiniCeD_^;3346855; said:there are some short bodied aros like this king super red but it's damn expensive and rare Superred Arowana - Panda.jpg
DannyLee94;3345267; said:I am looking for an aro that grows to around 14" 16" if possible but any other results will help alot
JLau;3348344; said:Dwarf arowana's huh? Isn't this Monster Fish Keepers not Medium sized Fish Keepers? what the hells on my foot? The stickies need to be read. The answers are all there I THINK. If there was such a thing it would be mentioned,OK who put this chip on my shoulder??
DannyLee94;3348442; said:Theres no harm in asking, this site was made for asking questions