I cant tell you how many people out there who have asked for help have no idea what their ph, ammonia, nirates and nitirtes are when they ask for help.
Or how many people who asked for help, we find out they tank is new, or they messed with substrate, or find out later its a tank mate that might be doing it.. bla bla bla..
this forum is and was set up by many MFK ray keepers who are here on this forum alot, and thought this was a good way to first, get the levels in the water and get the water change done asap, so that its already dont. And was set up to get as much information now, without having thirty people asking the questions of this or that to try and help. It was set to get info rt away, then help the MFK users to figure out fast what is or might be going on in the tank that needs help.
I dont care about any credit for the thread, hell, if you want it, post it. Otherwise, we are here to help people who need it. Thats why we thought the thread would be a good idea. Not ever ray keeper out there knows it all, and there are people out there sorry to say who dont do their research before getting any fish. So this is designed to help them get us the info fast if they need the help. If you dont like the thread, the dont use it. simple as that.. But its here and hopfully will be made a sticky to the people who do want to use it, or who need the help. And what does it really matter to you if its here or not. Like I said, if you dont like it, dont use it. Like I said before, if it helps one person and saves one ray, then its worth it..