• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Fahaka Puffer

if the fish isnt stressed and is eating and swimming around i would say it is pretty happy.
This question is just out of curiosity, I wonder what everyone does with there large fahakas?
My thought is that folks get attached to these aquatic puppy dogs & like myself, I hope they are housing them in large tanks & not returning them when they get too big. .
i think its responsible for me to realize im not going to scrub the heck out of it once a week
Judt wondering--how did you plan on cleaning this tank with & without substrate? Are you aware that you need less maintenance (water changes), with more surface area (substrate) for beneficial nitrifying bacteria on it than a BB tank? All that is needed to keep this tank clean & healthy for the fish is to stir the substrate & do a 50% water change weekly.
Im aware about the surface area, i have a lot of the nitrifying rocks in my sump. I also plan on adding more rocks that are supposed to be good for nitrates Seachem De-Nitrate, im not sure if they work but heard good reviews and are worth a try.I know you where concerned about the fish seeing a predator from bellow.Fish cant see themselves looking down at the bottom they see the stand, we see the reflection because of the angle. I've heard since sand has very little surface area it really does nothing for FW bio filtration. I would think a puffer whose stomach is soft and vulnerable would appreciate a smooth glass surface more than a rocky jagged gravel. I personally feel the bad of gravel with large fish out weighs the good by far. What purpose does it serve except for allowing poop/food to get lodged in it? If looking for more biological filtration add more media, wheels, whatever and get the same effect. Like i said before, my problem with sand is it has broken several of my HOB filers on other tanks.When i ran this tank as a reef the flow would constantly blow it around clogging up the filter sock/sponge and getting into the sump where it could damage my chiller/pumps. This is not a chance im willing to take unless it is a must which it is not. I think you may have had a point with the wood/hiding spot and i fixed the problem. However im pretty dead set on the bare bottom.
I don't necessarily suggest sand & certainly not fine sand, like in a reef tank. There is heavier, large grained sand or fine gravel that would make a very soft "bed" for the puffer's tummy. Also, their skin is leathery & covered with lots of tiny spines. In all my 8 tanks, none of them have rocky, jagged gravel in them.

Have you tried the earthworms for him yet?
Ill try and dig up a couple a lil later, its kinda dry over here though im not sure if im going to be successful. Do you know if i can purchase that garlic juice at the market?
Do you have any bait shops nearby?

Just buy a garlic clove, dice & crush it. Soak the foods in the juice.
Wonderful, thanks pufferpunk. I have a couple question regarding greenspotted puffers for you i know you have a couple. I bought 3 2 weeks ago from wal-mart, i know impulse buy wal-marts fish suck. I have black plant substrate sand as it used to be heavily planted. The fish eat well on frozen krill, but there bodys are a really ugly black, there bellys are white though and they are active an fat. Are they going to be that ugly black color until i lose the sand? Should i move them to brackish or just go straight to marine? They are about 1in
Yep, puffers are adept at camouflage & will do their best to blend in with their environment (hence the crappy maroon gravel for my fahaka. ;) I was hoping he'd try to blend in with that & gain the stunning maroon stripes I see on many others of that species.)

This should help you with the info you need on your GSPs: http://www.**************.com/forum...cus/an-introduction-to-green-spotted-puffers/
Yep, just a clove of garlic from the grocery store is all you need. You can also check your grocery store for other kinds of goodies like freshwater shrimp/ crayfish, clams, muscles, crab legs, etc. Did you check the temp yet? One of my heaters shut off one time and i didn't realize it until the tank was about 72*. The only reason I finally though to check the temp was that my puffer sat at the bottom not moving for an unusually long time, and his color was washed out. Similar to the symptoms you describe.
Yes, most of my fahaka's foods come from the grocery store. Earthworms, I get from my LFS, unless I'm out in the country & can find a bait shop.