• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Fancy Goldfish Pictures

2 new ranchu. grand total, 3 lionhead and 2 ranchu




A few new ones for me. I am setting up a goldfish tank again after i lost my last collection 4 years ago to the terrorists (aka my roommates neohews).

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^ Is that a ranchu in the first pic? I have been looking for one like that for months now, nice fish.

I like the black oranda in the 3rd pic, I got lucky and picked one up like that last week, he's been trying to spawn with my blue oranda.

Nice pattern on the one in the 4th pic too, got any from the side too?
hazard that black fish is awesome. I would KILL to have a black one.... AND STAY BLACK. I had a jet black moor, but I now HAVE a orange moor........ grr
^ Is that a ranchu in the first pic? I have been looking for one like that for months now, nice fish.

I like the black oranda in the 3rd pic, I got lucky and picked one up like that last week, he's been trying to spawn with my blue oranda.

Nice pattern on the one in the 4th pic too, got any from the side too?

Hi Lusus, sorry late reply. Yes the first one is a Ranchu, not the best scales on it, but the overall shape is what made me want it. It is well balanced when it swims, very active. It is about 4" and cost $30

Good luck on the spawning. I hope to spawn some goldfish in the future. hoepfully it works out better than when I had the GT's.

I am working on some pics with my Nikon, just haven't had the time to get pics of all of them. I'll update this thread with a few pics when I get them, thank you.

hazard that black fish is awesome. I would KILL to have a black one.... AND STAY BLACK. I had a jet black moor, but I now HAVE a orange moor........ grr

haha I know I'll be anxious until this oranda reaches 10" or so then I'll feel comfortable he won't change, but it's only 4"or so, very possible it will change :(

he was the darkest of three at the lfs, one was very light bronze colored.

Blacks are hard to find without importing from overseas. So are the blood red ones. those are my favorites. It would be nice to see more MFK getting into high quality goldfish.
Here is a quick shot of my 60g.

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I thought I would share some pictures of my fancy goldfish. They're just pet store goldfish. As far as I can tell, the red and white one is a ryukin (sure has the floaty problems they come with) and the calico is your basic fantail. They're both about 5 years old in these pictures from earlier this year.
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