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Fancy Goldfish Pictures

I see a few bronze/unchanged golds in here. Very nice. Does anyone have a crucian carp? They're ancestor of goldfish (according to many sources). I'd love to see a captive/aquarium specimen. All I usually find on the web are fishing photos. :(
Here's the only pic I have of my one other goldfish.

Her name is Pearl, she's a perfectly symmetrical Ryukin, I still havent' seen another like her:


I wish I knew the genetics behind her, she's like a calico with no shiny scales, all her scales are the opaque kind, so she's 'clear' not shiny like most golfish.

Because of this, she looks pink because you can see light shining through her flesh. I'm a sucker for goldfish with solid black eyes :)
Im trying to get decent pics of my golfish, I never realized either how bad my camera is or how bad i am at fish photography! Im still looking for more Ranchu! *bump*
this is my 3 year old fancy? not sure what kind he is got him when he was about dime size...hes nearly the size of a baseball now
..and loves the camera
Very nice! I have three goldies that beg for food all day! I got my first one from a wedding when the people at that table decided to put the bowl on top of a candle to do an improv "fish boil". They were stupid. I got the other two when the first one was on his death bed (see below for explanation) and my girlfriend felt sorry for me and brought two more home for me to cheer me up. That first fish bounced back but he lost all of his color. He is pure white now. This fish was housed in bowl for over a year with water changes only done once every 3 months! I then decided to go to the store and by a 5 gallon hex tank for him because he really started to grow on me. I had never had fish before and didn't realize that you needed water conditioner and had no idea of the nitrogen cycle!!! This fish should have been dead everytime I changed the water!!! I would empty the entire tank, change the filter, boil the gravel and then plop the fish back into the tank while never checking the temperature!!! I would also feed him 3 times a day!!! I was so ignorant. I then took the 2 new goldfish and put them into the 5 gallon tank having no idea that even 1 goldfish was way too much for the tank. It is very unlike me to not research my hobbies but this started out as a rescue of an animal that I just assumed would take care of itself with very little intervention needed from me. It was only after all three fish got really sick that I dove 100% into every detail about how to properly keep fish. Now I can proudly say that my fish are very well cared for. I'll try to post some pics but I am new to this site as of tonight.
:welcome: to MFK, Jack!

Nice to know you're doing better with your lovely goldfish.:thumbsup:

Kaosu and X-Tanks, you have such beautiful ryukins and ranchus.:D
Not 100% fancy, but here are some of the fish in the big tank. I think I got most of the goldfish guys, the rest are "tropical" fish.

Over 12" of butterfly koi

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Koi vs my comet

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THe black guy, whatever he is, telescope? Was abandoned at a foreclosed house, I took him in and gave him a better home.

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***hole and Porky (yes thats his real name) Porky had a accident and lost, or pushed in his 1 eye. Porky is also my baby who I hatched from a egg.

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Starburst. He is a fish of different colors, was black, yellow, orange, now white! He is a 4.5" male common left abandoned in a 50gal pond at a foreclosed house. he was on the verge of death when I got him and had to nurse him for the 5hrs while I was still working. Thought I lost him a few times, but he made it!

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Koi vs ***hole

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Super koi crush all!

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This is ***hole. One of my long time buddies. He will be 8 years old in April I beleive. Bought him at 3/4" long because I felt bad he was so small. When I was a noob I put him 4 common goldfish and 3 tinfoils in a 20gallon. Needless to say they nearly took his life.His rear tail was chewed all the way to his body. But he is now a big boy, the most playful fish out of them all. I used to call him calico, but the gf named him a-hole because she would splash the water at him and he would always splash back. He continues to do it to this day:) Yes I am aware he has "growths" on his body, dunno what they are. I just cut them off from time to time when they get to big.

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Goldie Lox, my 8 yo comet. She IS the reason why I am with fish today. She was ment to be snapper food, but never got ate. So she is my pride and joy my #1.

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H.E (heater eater), Porkys brother, also my "kid" I hatched from a egg. His name came from when he was a baby he was always trying to eat the heater.

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He was bought as a blue oranda. So much for that

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All these pictures were taken from a video, because every picture looked like this

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