Not 100% fancy, but here are some of the fish in the big tank. I think I got most of the goldfish guys, the rest are "tropical" fish.
Over 12" of butterfly koi
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Koi vs my comet
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THe black guy, whatever he is, telescope? Was abandoned at a foreclosed house, I took him in and gave him a better home.
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***hole and Porky (yes thats his real name) Porky had a accident and lost, or pushed in his 1 eye. Porky is also my baby who I hatched from a egg.
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Starburst. He is a fish of different colors, was black, yellow, orange, now white! He is a 4.5" male common left abandoned in a 50gal pond at a foreclosed house. he was on the verge of death when I got him and had to nurse him for the 5hrs while I was still working. Thought I lost him a few times, but he made it!
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Koi vs ***hole
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Super koi crush all!
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This is ***hole. One of my long time buddies. He will be 8 years old in April I beleive. Bought him at 3/4" long because I felt bad he was so small. When I was a noob I put him 4 common goldfish and 3 tinfoils in a 20gallon. Needless to say they nearly took his life.His rear tail was chewed all the way to his body. But he is now a big boy, the most playful fish out of them all. I used to call him calico, but the gf named him a-hole because she would splash the water at him and he would always splash back. He continues to do it to this day
Yes I am aware he has "growths" on his body, dunno what they are. I just cut them off from time to time when they get to big.
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Goldie Lox, my 8 yo comet. She IS the reason why I am with fish today. She was ment to be snapper food, but never got ate. So she is my pride and joy my #1.
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H.E (heater eater), Porkys brother, also my "kid" I hatched from a egg. His name came from when he was a baby he was always trying to eat the heater.
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He was bought as a blue oranda. So much for that
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All these pictures were taken from a video, because every picture looked like this
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