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Finally Bought myself some DISCUS!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
I am so excited right now.

i recently set up a 45 gallon tank and i've been wanting to get discus for a looong time. i decided to get some and i found a private breeder who sold me 5 discus at 1.5 inches for $15. these are leopard snakeskin discus.
im super excited to finally have discus and i also bought some rummynose tetras to go along with them.

Today is the first full day of them being in the tank and my first time feeding them. so far so good, they all ate, although they seem a little shy right now, they'll grow into it. scheduling my first WC for friday, well see how that goes, until then i just wanted to let everyone know of my newest acheivment =) !

a few pics (these are still young and only now are starting to get their colors, more pics later)
i took these pics yesterday after i put them in the tank.




thanks, that is something im looking to as well, i have angels in my 55g but they are larger, and these are fairly small discus, for now im keeping them in the 45 with a school of rummynose tetras
fyi.. when the rummy nose's red face starts to fade to a dull red that is a sign of bad water quality... just a built in water quality tester....good pick on the rummy nose.

i also got into discus and its been fun so far......GL....nice collection
Fishwhore;4875858; said:
fyi.. when the rummy nose's red face starts to fade to a dull red that is a sign of bad water quality... just a built in water quality tester....good pick on the rummy nose.

i also got into discus and its been fun so far......GL....nice collection

yea, thats the reason i got the rummy nose tetras, but the reason they were dull last night was because they were just put in as well, but this morning when i fed them they were glowing bright red, so im happy!
Soooo, when are you getting a bigger tank?
That's alot of bioload moving forward - I hope you will clean it once a day.
Inssane - i put them here for now, but im planning to move them to a 55g soon.
right now i've been real busy and want able to build the stand i wanted for my 55g but after i build the stand i plan to switch the fish from one tank to the other (seeing as i dont have many fish in the 55g, the dicus could use the extra room) that way i use the "rule of thumb" used by most discus keepers, which is 10 for 1 (10 gal per 1 discus).

for the dicus lovers out there, i was recomended a very helpful discus forum, if you dont already know about it, it has already been extremely helpful to me:

Some more pics, the rummynose tetras are fast and i wasn't able to get a clear picture, and i didnt spend too much time tanking pictures because i was busy transfering some angel fry from one tank to another, and i had to clean their previous tank.



romosoldier;4876357; said:
Inssane - i put them here for now, but im planning to move them to a 55g soon.
right now i've been real busy and want able to build the stand i wanted for my 55g but after i build the stand i plan to switch the fish from one tank to the other (seeing as i dont have many fish in the 55g, the dicus could use the extra room) that way i use the "rule of thumb" used by most discus keepers, which is 10 for 1 (10 gal per 1 discus).

I am not a Discus expert, but the way I look at it, would you put one Discus in a 10 gallon? Probably not. Discus can push 7" and you have the tetras as well. They need very clean water, so the bioload will be up there. You have decorations and gravel too, so account for the fact that you are missing X amount of water contributing to the 1 in 10 rule.

If you move on with it, get a UV sterilizer.
I hope it works out.

I had 3 in a 55 with 9 tetras and that was nice, but I could tell it would get full and they would need a 75.

Good Luck