Finally Bought myself some DISCUS!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
congrats!!! to me the tank size is ok right now for 1.5", but definately will need bigger tank, 'cause they eat alot and grow quick with water change. IMO i would go BB for now, cause you're feeding them BH, BW... those food can stay under gravel, you have to do water change at least every single day to make sure clean/good water for 1.5" discus. but don't worry, if you feed them good with clean water, they grow quick.

Good luck


They (the discus) are finally getting some better colors on them and last friday i found an awesome deal on tanks. i bought a 75g tank for 80 bucks, brand new! so now i got the tank size, just need to set it up!:nilly:
also got a new heater, and next on the list is a canister filter. (expensive hobby, huh?) besides that, once i get the move in the 75g im buying a bigger school of rummynose tetras, and im putting the 6 angel fry i have left from my surviving batch of angelfish i breed lol (they are just big enough to survive, im sure) and also gonna add my 4 longfin albino bristlenose plecos in there!
wish me luck!

pics soon
Your discus look really good. If you do things right you should have some amazing fish. Good luck and congrats on the fish and tank.
Ill agree on going with something bigger than a 75. Bare bottom will help for sure also. My tank is bare bottom and im housing 13 discus, it makes it way easier. In my experience snake skins grow fast and get bulky. I have two and the biggest one is 5'' and ive had it for almost a year and it started out at about the same size. Clean water is key for these guys also. do lots of water changes, i do 70-80% water changes 3 times a week. im not saying you have to do that many but the fish love it
Snowflake311;4914557; said:
Your discus look really good. If you do things right you should have some amazing fish. Good luck and congrats on the fish and tank.

Thanks =D

busterbrown;4914605; said:
Ill agree on going with something bigger than a 75. Bare bottom will help for sure also. My tank is bare bottom and im housing 13 discus, it makes it way easier. In my experience snake skins grow fast and get bulky. I have two and the biggest one is 5'' and ive had it for almost a year and it started out at about the same size. Clean water is key for these guys also. do lots of water changes, i do 70-80% water changes 3 times a week. im not saying you have to do that many but the fish love it

currently in the 45 i am doing a 40-50% water change 3 times a week.


They normally are not camera shy, but this time was different, couldnt get them out to get decent pics. (NEW 75G - NOT INSTALLED YET)



busterbrown;4916855; said:
Nice you already got a 75, good work man. 50% 3 time a week is good. Now you can beef up on filtration and get that bad boy rolling. Lookin good man cant wait to see that 75 up and rolling

yea, i cant wait myself, its exciting, i recently finished building a stand for it, now im just waiting on the canister filter to come and ill be able to set up the 75, i even bought the lights i wanted =)
real quick, i have some pics to post up later but im not home right now. a quick update on whats going on, i finaly got my canister filter in last night, and ive been running the 75g for over a week now with a sponge filter to get it started (that means the stand is complete! =D). bought a new heater and a large piece of driftwood, still need to put in the gravel since i want this to be my show tank, and buy some more plants.

pics to come.
