TLkmDN;2114508; said:
While have not yet measured them with a tape (i was going to do it last weekend ^^), herewith is the estimate
Outdoor pond/aquarium (3x2m): two RTCs at around 2' each, two Aligators Gars one is 2.5' and 2', Oscar ~9", two tilapias (hehehehe from half inch to 5' now), and recently moved two ~7" red bellied pacus (roll the dice if it lives), various sizes tinfoils (most likely to be all eaten - lets see)
Indoor aquarium (2x0.6m): three arapaimas (one 2', two 18"), jardini (~7"), silver aro (~12"), 7" bichir (delhezi i think)
Outdoor aquarium (1.8x0.5m): two siver aros at around 12" each, 1 green aro and two kois
50 gallon colorful tank: tiger barbs, 3 pacus, swordtails, hatchet fishes
heheheheh contemplating to build either a pond or another pond/aquarium hydrid....
I will post pics in a seperate thread (including my neighbors paima pond)