• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
ctoychik;2114454;2114454 said:
Awesome pond ... how will you keep the water from changing color? Your pond is going to have a cover against direct sunlight? Is there any special way you keep the algae bloom from happening?

I have a much more humble 3x2m pond/aquarium with two sides in glass WITH roof located underneath trees for maximum shade but the water gets quite murky during rainy/monsoon season. is crystal clear during the dry season though (the flip side is that fish are quite slugging due to cooler weather). Even my indoor aquarium is prone to color water if someone forgets to close the curtain.
ok 3 things...first of all certain types of pleco work WONDERS in cleaning algae from the pond. 2ndly there r special pond tablets that i use which controls the level of algae. 3rdly i have special UV light installed inside the silter to kill off excess algae (but not all because sukm is good for the fish's health). this pretty much keeps my pond water clean all the time.
TLkmDN;2114461; said:
ok 3 things...first of all certain types of pleco work WONDERS in cleaning algae from the pond. 2ndly there r special pond tablets that i use which controls the level of algae. 3rdly i have special UV light installed inside the silter to kill off excess algae (but not all because sukm is good for the fish's health). this pretty much keeps my pond water clean all the time.

Thanks for the advise.

I have tried to keep pleco with RTC and gars but i found that pleco was not sucking on the algae ...rather it was sucking away at RTCs and gars slime... i will try another time...<sigh>.... plus there are no colored plecos around my area (only black looking ones)

Tablets: more info please which ones are good? i have heard that not safe to use (obviously u r using safely - brand please?)

Finally, the UV light - actually i got it (it is sitting under my desk back at home) - don't know how to use (never used before) ...afraid that it will kill all algae which is not good i guess. More info? Wattage to volume ratio? etc

Do you cover your pond? My neighbors paimas pond (tiled) turns really really green during rainy season (he does not use pleco, UV or tables)
ctoychik;2114481;2114481 said:
Thanks for the advise.

I have tried to keep pleco with RTC and gars but i found that pleco was not sucking on the algae ...rather it was sucking away at RTCs and gars slime... i will try another time...<sigh>.... plus there are no colored plecos around my area (only black looking ones)

Tablets: more info please which ones are good? i have heard that not safe to use (obviously u r using safely - brand please?)

Finally, the UV light - actually i got it (it is sitting under my desk back at home) - don't know how to use (never used before) ...afraid that it will kill all algae which is not good i guess. More info? Wattage to volume ratio? etc

Do you cover your pond? My neighbors paimas pond (tiled) turns really really green during rainy season (he does not use pleco, UV or tables)
hey thats kinda weird plecos dont disturb my catfish much...i guess cause theres plenty of algae growin in i throw in massivores like everyday...and UV light should not kill all the alagae..but ask ure local fishshop about the exact wattage needed for ure pond. i cant tell u about the brand of tablets cuz my fish guy is in charge of that...not me :s sorry!
TLkmDN;2114495; said:
hey thats kinda weird plecos dont disturb my catfish much...i guess cause theres plenty of algae growin in i throw in massivores like everyday...and UV light should not kill all the alagae..but ask ure local fishshop about the exact wattage needed for ure pond. i cant tell u about the brand of tablets cuz my fish guy is in charge of that...not me :s sorry!

Anyway, thanks for the advice. I will try with plecos again ... i guess that would be the least risky solution (if scars start appearing, then remove pleco ... ). LFS here do not use UV - only for salt water set-ups and definitely not for the ponds. i will have to read the manual ^^

Chemical solution sounds scary though =P

PS: hope pleco is not eaten by RTC (quite agressive ones i have - eat anything that it can catch/kill)
ctoychik;2114499;2114499 said:
Anyway, thanks for the advice. I will try with plecos again ... i guess that would be the least risky solution (if scars start appearing, then remove pleco ... ). LFS here do not use UV - only for salt water set-ups and definitely not for the ponds. i will have to read the manual ^^

Chemical solution sounds scary though =P

PS: hope pleco is not eaten by RTC (quite agressive ones i have - eat anything that it can catch/kill)
how large r ure fish???
TLkmDN;2114508; said:
how large r ure fish???

While have not yet measured them with a tape (i was going to do it last weekend ^^), herewith is the estimate

Outdoor pond/aquarium (3x2m): two RTCs at around 2' each, two Aligators Gars one is 2.5' and 2', Oscar ~9", two tilapias (hehehehe from half inch to 5' now), and recently moved two ~7" red bellied pacus (roll the dice if it lives), various sizes tinfoils (most likely to be all eaten - lets see)

Indoor aquarium (2x0.6m): three arapaimas (one 2', two 18"), jardini (~7"), silver aro (~12"), 7" bichir (delhezi i think)

Outdoor aquarium (1.8x0.5m): two siver aros at around 12" each, 1 green aro and two kois

50 gallon colorful tank: tiger barbs, 3 pacus, swordtails, hatchet fishes

heheheheh contemplating to build either a pond or another pond/aquarium hydrid....

I will post pics in a seperate thread (including my neighbors paima pond)
Thats amazing.... how big is it gonna be when its ready?
Nice, how big is your royal Silver Dragon?