So, my fishkeeping hobby has really been sitting on the backburner for a while. As I tend to do with these things, I've been distracted by other interests (2011's big thing was building a bunch of crap to get me to, through and home from the Burning Man festival). However last week I was in the hole in the wall pet store here in fort st john and lo and behold....
They had ordered a dozen RTCxTSN catfish by accident and were almost ready to give them away. Tried to talk me into taking more than two in fact. Now... I know a lot of you have easy access to these monsters but they are hard to find in BC, nevermind north of 56.
This weekend I did some fiddle farting around with this tank, fixed a fitting leak, cleaned off hard water stains, finished the fillet caulking around the window, etc. Soon enough it will have a couple more occupants! (who will then likely go on to outgrow it, but that's another story!)
I'm actually quite tempted to empty the tank completely and do a thorough interior inspection. I want to make sure the gelcoat is holding up without any cracks. It's not leaking, but neither was my other ply tank when I finally took it down and found the coating more or less ready to fall off the walls.
Anyway, there may be some messing about with this beast in the near future to clean it up and finish the details I never got to.