My piraibas are feeding better than ever. I never saw full bellies when they were in the smaller tank, now come feeding time.. they are waiting and fill up their tummies. I expect a growth sprout soon. My advice for your raiba is to fatten him up as much as possible in the next 2 wks and then introduce him to the 4500. Expect it to lose the beautiful streamers tho . He might have a hunger strike for a week or two but once it starts feeding, you will be happy! The 'other' two cats (B. Vallantti? B. sp.) finally started eating in the 3000 gallon tank.. took them almost a whole month but they are feeding like the raibas in the same tank.Thanks.
Yeah, piraiba's been stuck in the 240 gal acclimation tank because I don't believe it'd compete successfully in a 4500 gal. Ain't got anything in between in terms of gallonage.
@vincentwugwg What do you think Vince? Can it compete? I've described above how slowly and hesitatntly it feeds... in my hands anyway... I can't imagine it'd have a chance with the 4500 gal gang. But your two are in with lots of well-feeding tank mates. I know you had said they get a piece or two of fish per feeding. Has this been continuing? Improved? Worsened?
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