fishhead0103666’s fishroom

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Any last minute guesses? Only about 6 hours until it arrives
Some of these Kapuas loaches, maybe? Or a breeding project with the Wabenmuster BNPs?

golden arrow mahseers? they looked great and according to Wes grow slowlllly
Nope to all, they’ve arrived and are acclimating. I’ll post pictures and reveal what they are once they’re done.
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I forgot to get pictures before I left but it’s Siniperca roulei and Siniperca obscura
We’ll yall, I forgot that the dozen zebra danios were in the tank before I released the Sinipercas and 3 seconds later the first one was eaten and within a minute the last zebra danios was gone, these Sinipercas have incredible feeding responses which I didn’t expect or at least not that level of response. I did get a Siniperca roulei to take a frozen rosey red which is promising. I put in some ghost shrimp so they could get their own food as the tank is full of driftwood and plants and trying to target feed them with long tweezers while they’ve been fasting the last two days along with the stress of shipping is not what I want. Here’s a picture of an obscura and roulei I grabbed, the Siniperca roulei are more active but more shy while the Siniperca obscura are less active and akin to a log just laying there. kno4te kno4te IMG_0832.jpegIMG_0828.jpegIMG_0835.jpeg