fishhead0103666’s fishroom

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Rather ironic that you say that... I've been looking for some Erpeton for years now, with practically no success, but somehow a listing for CB specimens was just posted on Morphmarket today.
They're a fair chunk of money, though, at $600 for a single specimen. Bit out of my price range, but maybe you'd be interested.
I saw that one which is why I made that comment lol. The two have already been sold to my slight surprise. $1.2k is slightly out of my price range atm but I’m sure they’ll come back around and by then hopefully I’ll have a tank ready for them.IMG_9954.png
Well it looks like my convicts have been taken out, likely due to it being 40 degrees. I thought they could survive it and it turns out I was wrong. It’s looking like I’m going to need to take into account temperature ranged when I plan the next inhabitants.

I may just bring it inside for now so I don’t have to deal with the temperatures.
Leak testing some 125’s, I am confident one of them is good to go right now but the other one I’m not 100% about since the seams are chewed up looking. If it doesn’t survive a month long leak test which I’m not confident it will it’ll be for a reptile.IMG_3961.pngIMG_3960.pngIMG_3959.pngIMG_3958.png
what reptile would you be interested in?
Fire skinks will be #1 on my list but in reality it’s highly dependent on what local reptile shows have as I’m not willing to buy one online yet.
What are you keeping now? Do you still have those Wallace’s Shoehead cats and pipas?
I had given my Wallace’s shoehead catfish to a qualified fish keeper friend while I was moving out of the apartment and back to my parents house while I figured out what to do next. Shortly after my latest update in November their heater got stuck on on and cooked all of them which saddened my mood for a few months along with all of my projects which had failed due to one reason or another. The convicts died due to me not taking into account their temperature range. The cherry shrimp just didn’t thrive and died off in the 75 I was trying to breed them in, I’ve never been able to keep shrimp alive for any notable period of time. The pipa pipas are still doing good though, eating red wigglers readily and I have no news to report on them.

Even with the death of the original Wallace’s shoehead catfish I know I must continue and get more if I am to succeed in my goals so the new tank(s) will be dedicated to them, my beloved species.

Ya know, you've really come a long way. I'm proud of you :)
This means a lot coming from you Rob, thank you. When I first arrived on this site I was but merely a little beast of a member that felt the need to prove that I know more than others even with my lack of experience with only a handful of small tanks. Through the people on this site I’ve become a much better member and a more knowledgeable keeper. I know I have an incredible ways to go in regards to my knowledge and fish keeping abilities but I acknowledge that I’ve come so far from where I’ve started and I have mainly this site to attribute to my success with multiple individual members paying a big part in why I’ve succeeded in the ways I have.
Hope you have success with those Wallace Shoeheads when you’re ready for them again
As soon as I’m confident in their capacity to hold water I’ll be setting out to find a local person to build me a stand for them at which point I can start cycling and sending out emails to thewetspot and Mike at aqua imports about bringing some in for me.
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