• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Hey T

I thought I would show you the bait for tomorrows fishing trip.




I'm pushing the season. A bit early for the large suckers. But I say GO BIG OR GO HOME

Tequila;4534282; said:
Yesterday was a beautiful day, except that Jack and I both got Sun burnt. Yesterday we hit a totally new semi-private lake, a lake that had talk of a 10lbs Bass name Walter living in it. The day started off with a hard laugh as we unloaded the boat and then Jersey Jack nudge it and it took off down the embankment, with Jersey Jack in hot persuit, then loosing his balance and ending up stopping the Boat and himself in the drink but only after landing bad ankle first in the muddy lake bottom :nilly::ROFL::ROFL::ROFL:. I was rolling, because JErsey JAck took one look at me like Oh Sh*t as the boat shot down the embankment and just for a moment forgot that his ankle was just operated on a few weeks back, anyway you had too be there.

Then once everything was back to normal we headed out on the water, my first choice of the day was a Spro Frog which was on from the night before, but I quickly changed over to a Chugg Popper which I stayed with for the whole day.... Unbelievable totally clear sky with super bright Sun and I caught Bass all day long on a Popper. Jersey JAck switched up many a time too different lures but always came back to the Saltwater Chugg Popper. We fished a total of 3.5 hours on this new lake and went away with a total of 30 LMB too 5.3lbs and yes I nailed it by casting just 5feet longerr than JErsey JAck with the same exact Popper. This day the higher fish count total went too me. While Jersey JAck was pulling out every stop he could I finished just 2 fish ahead to win the day plus I had the lunker for the day too.

LAter today we will be doing another New lake and if anything nice comes up I'll post the pix. Yesterday we caught many in a good time frame so wew didn't have the time too shoot many of the catches but it was alot of fast and furious catching Popping a Chugg Popper much faster than must people would ever think was possible. A few LMB's came in after the longest cast and hit on the first twitch or as the Popper hit the water for the first time.

While I have yet too find re-upped membership to the 7 pounders club, I did however re-up too the 3 and 5 pounders club in just two days! Keeping my fingers crossed is all I can do. See yall later in the evening.




As you can see from the last photo here is where I pulled out the last few Bass, one of which was the lunker - the first pic as Jersey JAck gives his opion of how the day went for him. Ending score: Me 16 and Jersey JAck 14.

Sounds like a great time. 30 bass 3.5hrs with two five pounders is amazing!!
What a day it was, today went like this:





The score is now, Tequila: 5 Jack: 0, but JAck turns on, finally!



Hey look it's a New Jersey Bass, must be down here on vacation, waiting for fishing season to end up there, LOL.
I never seen anything like the lake we fished today, unbelievable is the only way too describe it. We're sitting there casting up the shoreline when Splash!!!!, Pop, Splash - in coming Jack shouts, as LMB just explode out of the water, full bodies in mid flight through the air and NO baitfish in site anywhere. Just Big azz Bass leaping, rocketing out of the water for no reason what so ever. Reminded me of those vids you see of Asian Carp blowing out of the water as a boat goes by. This happend while we fished about three times, I'd say at least one of these BAss was 4~5 pounds, unreal totally unreal!
Then I reply:

And again JAck answers again:

But after the water had settled and all was said an done, the final score was Me: 7 Jersey JAck: 6, non of my fish where under 2lbs, two of JAck's Bass where way under 2lbs. But JAck ended up with the lunker for the day @ 5.2lbs. And I was broken off early in the game by what can only be described as a true Beast, it's to the surface where we both saw it Jack went straight for the net without hesitation - that Bass was ever bit of 9+ pounds, I honestly gotta learn to retye more often. I landed four large (NJ Monster) Bass and without even thinking too check the line started casting for my fifth and the beast broke me off. But I'll be back on that lake before this trip ends and this time we just bring a few live blue gills :naughty:.
cichlidfinder;4536326; said:
Hey T

I thought I would show you the bait for tomorrows fishing trip.




I'm pushing the season. A bit early for the large suckers. But I say GO BIG OR GO HOME


Yeah i've heard thats a very good way to get musky and northerns. Today I got my first ever northern!!
Fish landed-I-3/Dennis-5

The day started at the "Carnegie"(Big sh****) and once again it lived up to its name. After three hours and Dennis got the only one, I said im not going through this again. So we packed it in and went around the corner to the "Amazon"

Once at the "ammy" Dennis jumped right out the gate with two making it 0-3 but I stayed focused and tied it up 3-3 but Dennis and the spinny plucked two more off before we reached the boat ramp.

Slow day but I still had fun!!

~~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS LESS~~~~~~





Fish landed-I-9/Dennis-2

Todays lake was "Farrington" and man was it a great choice. Within the first 30 minutes I got the first one and then about a hour later I landed my first NORTHERN PIKE!!! I been fishing farrington for almost two years and had never seen one but heard plenty of stories. Well today the fish with teeth were out and about cause after I got the northen Dennis landed a 4.0 CP!! From there the bite was steady until around 2. This past week I have noticed that the bite hasnt been to good right before dark so we called it quits at 4. The biggest bass of the day was my 2.12!

My first northern :headbang2

~~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS LESS~~~~~





Tequila;4531298; said:
Ok I finally arrived in Sunny South Florida. First day in town Jersey Jack picked me up at the airport, and then we headed to Dick's Sporting Goods Picked up some lures that I lost in NJ and some more Power Pro. Then headed to out to lunch, on the way too lunch this young kid comes a weaving through traffic on a motor cycle like he's in a race.

No sooner does he blow by us, and speed on than traffic comes to a slow down about 100 feet up the road the dudes bike is like totalled, smoke, oil, broken bones and blood everywhere - the dude must have come blowing through traffic when someone in a late model Caddy, powered a L/T turn from on coming traffic headed into the mall parking and never saw this fool coming - BAM! All I saw and know for sure so guy was running up the road after this kid helment about 75ft up the road. The dude was on the ground not moving holding his head, there was blood pooling and smoke and the Caddy ran a ground hitting the malls entrance sign. I wanted to get out and just start shooting the mess but there wasn't anywhere to stop... It looked like a piece from a war, people where running to see if the people in the car where ok, other people where just looking at the guy from the motorcycle like they where in shock and others where throwing towels and stuff to people that where trying to help cycle dude. What a rush!, what a mess that kid will never ride again if he lived through that, that is.

After lunch we headed too a few spots to start things off nothing great or large and I kept thinking about the crazy cycle kid. Jack dropped me off at my parents and the rest of the day and the following day with them. Around 6pm I had a few late minutes left on my hands so I grabbed a car and went less than 2 minute car ride too what was a great popper spot the last time I was down. I spent a best 45 minutes and caught 6 small LMB nothing larger than 2.0lbs on Chug Bug Popper.

But it was this morning at 8am on the boat that was the best so far
third cast, Splash I set the hook on my popper and no sooner than the second crank of the reel than WAM-Splash-SLAM:

Both fish the same popper, Double headers gotta love em! The bigger of the two weighed in at 3.7lbs, Sahweeeeet! The rest of the day was ok as the bite just started to dropped off. Till we called it a day at 2:35pm, I was getting tired an Jersey JAck leg was acting up. I went back out at 7pm but nothing at all even took a sniff at the lures.

Went to the local discount shop and bought a nice bottle of yak for my B-day on Monday coming. Said his name was Martell OX hope too have a nice 50th B-Day on monday. My mom has planned a small gathering of her friends that I grew up with - what the heck not many people parents see there kids turn fifty.

Tomorrow will be a new never before fished lake, looking forward to it.

Biker, driver seriously injured in crash -

A motorcyclist was seriously injured when a car cut in front of his bike and sent him flying shortly after noon Monday, authorities said. Rivera, 20, of Riverview, was flown to Bayfront Medical Center in St. Petersburg (you need to be flown to Bayfront Medical Center - your in serious, serious shape) for treatment after the incident on U.S. Hwy. 41 near Bayshore Gardens, according to the Florida Highway Patrol. He was listed in serious condition.

The car's driver, 84-year-old Dobnikar, of Sarasota, also was seriously injured in the accident, FHP noted. Dobnikar was taken to Sarasota Memorial Hospital.

According to reports, Dobnikar was driving a 2000 Lincoln four-door northbound on U.S. Hwy. 41 approaching the Bayshore Gardens Shopping Center in the 6000 block. Rivera was approaching the shopping center access, driving a 2004 Suzuki motorocyle southbound on the highway.

Dobnikar cut across the southbound lanes and into Rivera's path, FHP reported. Rivera's motorcycle hit Dobnikar's Lincoln, launching Rivera from his bike, onto the hood and windshield of the Lincoln and, ultimately, onto the driveway of the shopping center.

Rivera was wearing a helmet at the time, troopers reported, but was found to be unknowingly operating the motorcycle with a suspended driver license and no proper endorsement on the motorcycle, and was charged as such.

Dobnikar was charged with failing to yield the right-of-way to oncoming traffic.
Fish landed-I-4/Dennis-2

Went looking for the afternoon bite at the "Amazon". We started out at 2pm. The bite was kinda slow but we managed to land a few. Nothing bign so no pics taken today. The highlight of the day was when someone in a boat was ducking hunting and let off two shots like 200 feet from where we fishing. It was funny as hell cause Dennis hit the deck so fast, talking bout get down they shootting!!! That was super funny(had to be there)!!!

Slow day but I had fun!!

~~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS LESS~~~~~