Downingtown. Not far from Jersey. Yo you may be able to help me actually seeing as your a pretty advanced fisherman. Over the winter I set up my rig with new line and I just took it out for the first time. Bird nest city. I decided to go with 12 pound test which was thicker than the 8 pound stuff I was using last year with the same rod and reel combo. It seemed like any slack I had, or even with tension on my retrieve, the line was folding up like crazy. It even felt like my cast were going shorter and that I was pulling in more weight than my lure. I kept reeling in semi-loops and going nuts, it was a nightmare. Now i'm dying to set it up right for tommorow morning and the only thing I can think to change is the line. Heres my best guess as to what sucks;
1. Crappy line - Shakespeare something or other 12 pounder. Bought it dirt cheap maybe because it sucks?
2. Reel tension adjustment - Is that even real? Did I make that up?
3. Bad reel?
4. Should I have treated my line with something, or possibily did it get accustomed to sitting on the reel over winter?
Either way it was a very frustrating start to the season and I'm hoping for a nice do over tommorow morning. Any help or advice anyone can give me will be greatly apreciated. The bass must pay for this insult.