• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Dreamsofpeace54;4191543; said:
speaking of challenges.

we were on a friends boat who didn't know the water well enough to wanna move around much at night. we finished the tourney with 10lb total weight for 3 catfish. we did what we could and weighed in, first place had over 40lb and a 22lb flathead for big fish.

im having a hard time locating the flatheads on my own river and these dc potomac boys have to show me how its done =[

its okay though. we had fun and caught some fish.

Dang but call it a learning experience!

Wat were yall using for bait?
we tried everything. live bluegills, cut bluegills, shrimp, worms, piss clams, cut herring and shad, eels.

They always make a slideshow of their tournaments and ill post it here when they do. It was definitly a learning experience. hopefully my boat will be fixed in time for the second one on the lower part of my susquehanna river. Im a little bit more familiar with the lower susquehanna and the flats, and know i can get atleast 15lbs easy before going after those monster flatties.

i want eatsomekiwis on our next venture, he knows how to catch em catfish lol
Dreamsofpeace54;4195772; said:

we got 4th from last 9.9 lbs. my dad was happy to beat his coworker matt mumpower, so he was happy.

it was definitly fun though, cant wait to try my luck in the next one.

That's where I wanna go when I win my first lottery and after I build my 100K Gal Catfish tank, I wanna goto catfish round ups. I would like to go to and enter but I'm not really good at catching Catfish, unless it's at night using. Anyway I love in a marveling way Big Catfish, from all over the world. There are just somemany you don't see in collection, like Flatheads, I mean everyone wants a monster Tigershovelnose or Redtail but you never hear of anyone wanting or having local monsters.

Look at the guy with the 10K and 52K gal tank somewhere in Canada, WTF ask if he has a Northern Pike or Muskie or a Flathead. I think it would be awsome to have a Musky or Northern Pike, though the largest I've been able to care for is a CP. :irked:
cichlid fiend;4191580; said:
Spots fished-1

Time fished-14.75 hrs

Fish landed-I-19/Dennis-5

Todays boat outting was "Mercer County Lake". We were on the water at 6am, we dont usually go out this early but I wanted to see if we could "Wake Site" some musky like we did last week. Well the water wasnt flat cause the wind was blwing but seeing how HOT it was I wasnt mad. The bass bite started out very slow and the first bass wasnt landed until 8am. As this long day went on I caught one decent two pounder but most of the bass were 10-12's. Dennis banged two bass and a yellow perch and I had 12 fish landed before I took a nap from 2:30-3:30. After waking up I got back to it and as we were making are rounds I figured it was time to pull out the 10" U-tail rigged Texas style. So as we came up to a rowing dock where they have rowing tournaments on Sundays I started throwing the 10' around the footings. On my fifth cast I felt that magic feeling TICK TICK-line walk. With a strong hook set I fought with a monster 4.9! The bite after that was SUPER slow until 8pm were we seen the bass get active.

A super long day but its ALWAYS fun to hit the four pound club!!!!

~~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS LESS~~~~~

Hey Terry when you gonna put me on some nice size Bass like that one. That's a nice Bass, more like what I'm used too. C'mon dude let's kick Dennis's shoe fetish to the side and get into some real fishing.

Last trip out was crazy, I got sun burnt like mad, The shoe thing was a bit embarrassing and it's something that I can't really afford to happen again. It didn't darn on me until later on in the weekend but that was too close for comfort. If it's just me I just take it in stride and worry bout it later. But my friends place in this case is just down the road. (what a mistake that almost became, ppl talk dude, a bit too close to home to comfort). :nilly:

But didn't wanna not say thanx for the outting just had tooo really rethink everything. Anyway yeah I made it home in time to take my nephews out for a bit of fishing and turtle/frog chasing. Though we only got one turtle, so I had to return the next morning at 7am to look for another. And then ended the day with the oldest nephew catching a baby common snapper, while trying to catch a frog. Also one of the kids found a new 21 use multi gismo thingy in the grass, near the run off basin aka stinky pond (kids).
Tequila;4195861; said:
That's where I wanna go when I win my first lottery and after I build my 100K Gal Catfish tank, I wanna goto catfish round ups. I would like to go to and enter but I'm not really good at catching Catfish, unless it's at night using. Anyway I love in a marveling way Big Catfish, from all over the world. There are just somemany you don't see in collection, like Flatheads, I mean everyone wants a monster Tigershovelnose or Redtail but you never hear of anyone wanting or having local monsters.

Look at the guy with the 10K and 52K gal tank somewhere in Canada, WTF ask if he has a Northern Pike or Muskie or a Flathead. I think it would be awsome to have a Musky or Northern Pike, though the largest I've been able to care for is a CP. :irked:

i caught a flatty, last year that was about 6 inches. i wanted to bring it home so bad but i knew better. The catfish nation is all about well being of the fish and if you bring in a fish that doesnt swim away you are disqualified. Once you win you can come down here and we can try to grab you a couple smaller fatheads so you can grow them out in your monster tank.
Tequila;4190635; said:
Truely sorry about you location, your on the Atlantic coast, we fish the beautiful Gulf coast which may not be beautiful must longer, thanx to BP. But we don't have the Peacock Bass that you have on the Atlantic coast.
Aww that sucks. Definetly want to take a trip iover there and try for sum of those lunkers by you guys. If you guys havent come over to get sum peacocks you so need to. Theyr a blast to catch. Here are sum picks.

fishin 001.jpg

fish 002.jpg
yesterday at rosedale i got 6 bass on a skitter pop, 1 quick release, and 3 of those bass were pushing 3 pounds, missed many hits and overal a good day but no pics :D:D:D:D
szymon328;4198027; said:
yesterday at rosedale i got 6 bass on a skitter pop, 1 quick release, and 3 of those bass were pushing 3 pounds, missed many hits and overal a good day but no pics :D:D:D:D

Yeah rosedale been the ish for a long time now. I caught the biggest bass of my life there in 05.
