Update on the three granulosus catfish, 1.5'-2', in 4500 gal:
Haha, great story, save, fish, and name! It shows they are a tough fish even at tender 2". I'd be happy to help you out but the distance is too great and shipping such fish would not be doable. If you wanted to bring it over (which is not technically hard, just time- and money-consuming), we'd surely take it in until finding him and 3-4 of our other nigers a forever home (unless we'd miraculously expand our holding capacity - these are fun and easy fish and totally worth keeping).Awesome fish, love the nigers. You want a 28 inch one? My wife saved him from a negligent owner of a lfs that let him get beat up by Oscars and was going to just let him die. She shamed him into giving him to us so we could try to save him. He was less than 2 inches long, we kept him alive and 6 months later he was 12 inches long. I'd love to find someone with a large tank who will give him a home. I've kept his feed down over the years to slow down his growth but he's just too big for my 240. Just let me know, I'd love for him to be with other nigers. Mr. Snuffalupagus View attachment 1298090 has been without his own kind for too long.