I've got some more measurements to add. This will give some insight into possible cheaper ways to mod a 2260 to be a 2262. Looks like I used the same flow rate testing method you did. I posted it in another thread before I saw this one and some dude said my method was bad but I did exactly what you did and tested a few times.
My filter = 2260 modded with a
Pondmaster Mag Drive 9.5 rated for 950 GPH. 93 watts. This pump is $93 at this site, as opposed to the cheapest I could find the eheim 900gph pump which was ebay for $150..usually closer to $175. I havent heard the eheim pump but this one runs really quietly...a lot quieter than my magnum 350. In the 2260 I have about 3 inches of mech, a 1.5 inch 10ppi piece of foam, then another 1.5 inch 30ppi piece of foam, then substratpro and 2 small bags of purigen filling the rest of the 18L. I have ehfifix lying around and more mech so i'm going to try the same media setup you use HarleyK.
215 gph after not touching it for 5 months
225 gph after rinsing everything out
225 gph with only 3 inches of mech
225 gph not hooked up to canister with 1 foot of standard output piping
magnum 350 got 190gph with filter floss around outer canister and sponges in the media holder
I guess this shows that either the flow is so slow that the media doesnt restrict it at all, or I screwed up one of the tests somehow, but I did the hooked up test at water level and the pump-only test just from one bucket to another on the ground.
I think something maybe went wrong with the pump in the last few days, although it doesnt seem to be running any differently than it ever has, and still makes the same noise/amount of noise. I don't have gph tests from when I first got it, but judging from how far the spray bar shoots its about the same (inaccurate I know but thats all ive got to go by).
Either it crapped out recently or the magnum 350 I had running along with it was doing about 85% of the mechanical filtration, and i was mistaken that the 2260 doing such a good job. I took the 350 off the tank a week ago and did two 50% water changes this week and the water is still FAR dirtier than it has been in the 8 months I've had the tank with both filters running. I also took the purigen out of the 2260 and my tank has been cloudy for a couple days. I'm boggled by all this because my tank's been ridiculously clear and clean for 8 months before now.
I got the 2260 and pump off craigslist and I'm not really sure how old it is or if it wasn't treated properly before I got it (got the 2260 full of eheim media with this pump, 125g tank, wood stand/cabinet, and 2 36 inch T8 lights for $300 total lol).
I also opened up the pump and cleared out the impeller but there was essentially nothing on it.
Anyone have any experience opening up these pumps or what might be wrong with it? Maybe its just theyre not nearly as good as eheim ones and dont last as long, or mine got damaged somehow?