All right folks,
here are pics as requested. Last time this filter was opened was when I set it up in May last year. That's 15 months of fish poop, split between two /\/\onster Eheim canisters.
Depicted below is less waste than some would expect, but again, my filters are dimensioned and filled to lead to almost
complete biomineralization. They do not accumulate excess waste, it is biodegraded into small soluble compounds, carbon dioxide and inorganic salts. Only such materials that biodegrade poorly (lignin & (hemi)cellulose from my plants, chitin from my crabs & shrimp colony) accumulate appreciably. Basically like a municipal waste water treatment plant.
1. Backwash to empty out the beast, making it easier to remove it from below the tank
2. Open up the pot, washing layer by layer:
3. Rinsing out the pot, with added surprise finding. Was happy to get back into the tank.
4. This is how much sand had made it into the filter. I was pleasantly surprised
5. Cleaning the detached tubing.
I chose not to clean the tubing that still hung from the tank, nor did I take the pump apart.
I hope some of you may find these pics informative and reassuring that it is possible to run sustainable low-maintenance filtration on a /\/\onster tank.