Food for festae fry


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
surfs - I wish I had a crystal ball to look into, but I don't. Sometimes even when one is standing right there it's next to impossible to determine an exact cause. Don't get me wrong, gastrointestinal issues (which result in bloat) can indeed be triggered by diet, I just don't think that it's as common as many believe. pH isn't an issue, I've seen every species of fish imaginable raised in pH 8.0

Just keep in mind that an outbreak of spironucleus (which often leads to bloat) can start with a single weak fish, and within a few days the entire tank can be wiped out.

But what strikes me odd about your situation is that they were all fine one night, and the next morning they were all dieing. This is not what happens when fish have a dietary issue, or any type of problem that leads to a classic case of bloat - typically the first thing that happens is a fish refuses food, then begins lurking off in a corner by itself, then sans any type of treatment they begin to become sicker, until their organs begin to fail - at which time they take on a bloated appearance, and shortly after die. The entire process typically takes at least a few days, not a few hours.

What you have described sounds to me like one of two things, either the food from the day before had become rancid, causing immediate distress, or somehow a toxin entered your tank. (air-spray, something off of your skin, etc)

A tank full of fish would never be swimming normally, eating normally, and then overnight all start dieing off one after the other - from any kind of dietary issue, unless the food had some kind of toxin in it.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 14, 2010
Taylor, Mi
I think losing fry is inevitable, no matter how well you maintain water or if you feed the best foods. Fish will die, it's part of the cycle of life. With fish though, it doesn't always make sense as some can be seemingly healthy one day or one minute and then the next they're belly up. I just lost a guppy the other night that was perfectly healthy the day before (or so he seemed). I stopped trying to understand the why and just accept this as part of the hobby. It sucks to lose awesome fish, but it comes with the hobby.

wild bill

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 4, 2010
three hills,ab. canada
It certainly sounds like a toxin of some kind could you give a run down of what you and the house hold did that day things like this can sometimes help everyone . Just this summer I bought a new rubber garden hose for filling tanks ran 60 gallons of water into a new tank to clean it then added water to some tanks to top them off. The next mourning fish lying at the bottom of the tanks I topped off not dead but gasping and wiggling franticaly. So I syphoned out water added conditioner and charcoal to the filters and refilled. Well we lost about 20 fish mostly my wifes prized tropheus turned out there is a mildew supressor in alot of rubber tubings so I hope someone can help you with this.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 23, 2010
i went through that same issue on my first spawn. the other fish got alot of the babies. the second spawn, i had gotten all the other fish out. i left the fry in there untill they were eating micro pellets. once i moved the fish out, the male got real aggressive with the female and almost killed her. i got her out in time, and she is back with him now and they are getting ready for there next spawn. i fed first bites, crushed massivore and then hikari micro pellets and micro wafers. and there has been really no noticable loss of fry yet.

cichlid fiend

MFK Member
Dec 21, 2008
New Jersey
Hikari discus pellets always blow my little ones up pretty fast with 52% protein !!


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Feb 13, 2010
whittier ca
thanks again for the replys. wish i could figure out what actualy happened. maybe there was a pre proble with the fry cause i know a few other mfk people that lost fry from that same batch. weirf cause i had them over 2 months and not 1 problem. im going to just take it as a loss and a learning experience just from what ive read on this thread. i have 20 fry going on there 3rd month now and no problems.

wild bill

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 4, 2010
three hills,ab. canada
Seems like things like that happen sometimes for no real reason you lose a pile of fry sometimes juves just can't make them all lixe no matter how hard you try.