Friday Free-For-All....

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She has said the Earth will end in 12 years and has purposed that America get rid of all airplanes, gas cars, and redo all buildings to be energy friendly in less then 10 years.
Hello; OK, In 12 years some of the already ongoing problems will be worse. Some things that have been simmering in the background will likely become much worse and may become a crisis or few. Hard to say if any single thing or combination of issues will reach human extinction levels in 12 years, I do doubt that.

Some perspective from personal experience. I began learning about a possible compromised environment back in the 1960's in high school. Rachel Carsons "Silent Spring" I guess was the start for me. By the 1970's I had a Biology degree and had done some environmental study. Many of us shouted doom and gloom much in the way some are doing now. If you were not around this was when a river in Ohio caught fire from industrial waste. That I could not drive thru Cincinnnati Ohio without my eyes burning. That essentially unregulated strip mining was going on the ridges around my home town. I felt the whole thing was going to collapse by the time I was 50. I am 71 now and things are indeed bad but not quite yet done for.

Can things be turned around even with these drastic new proposals. No I do not think so. A noble gesture sort of thing similar to what some did 50 years ago, but also likely to fail. The way I see it if nearly every one on the planet joined in and agreed to these drastic measures there could indeed be some slight improvement short term.

Problem is now as it was way back only a few will be willing to have a very different and restricted life style. Carbon pollution comes from energy consumption so all would have to live rough to cut back enough to make a difference. One example; In the warm months I rarely run my central air. Maybe a dozen nights when the humidity is very high. Nearly every one I know thinks this is strange and only one person I have known in the last 30 years does the same. No AC every day when it is hot is a simple test. Ask your self if that is a thing you are willing to do.
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She has said the Earth will end in 12 years and has purposed that America get rid of all airplanes, gas cars, and redo all buildings to be energy friendly in less then 10 years.

Well too be fair with her in charge it could possible end in in 12 yrs. I have to question peoples intelligence that still support her after all the dumb things she said.
Anyone see anything wrong with this pic? Besides the couch on the roof?

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