Friday Free-For-All....

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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Well too be fair with her in charge it could possible end in in 12 yrs. I have to question peoples intelligence that still support her after all the dumb things she said.
Hello; Unfortunately I get both points of view. While I get what she is saying let me say I do not like her voiced solutions.
My take so far is she (AOC) is a true believer in the sense of actually, in her mind, seeing a world crisis. I knew a few like that back in the 70's. One woman tried to get some of us to help her go onto a strip mine job to disable the heavy equipment with the hope of stopping destruction in an area. I refused to go along and do not think she ever actually got anyone else to go. But there were some actions taken back then in other parts of the world. Metal spikes in trees of the old growth forest for example to slow the deforestation. Caused injury to some loggers when their chain saws hit the spikes. I guess Greenpeace is another example.

So AOC probably is very sincere in her beliefs but from my point of view her expressed solutions are too drastic to be workable. Think of the notion of a large asteroid hurtling toward earth on a collision course. As Mr. Spock told captain Kirk all it will take to change the asteroids course is a nudge when it is very far away. But as it gets closer it takes more and more of a strong push the closer it gets. Until finally it is so close it takes a super drastic push to change the course. I guess she sees a need for a super drastic push now but does not see that the consequences of her drastic plans are as bad as the problem itself.

Let me add that I think it is too late for even the drastic measures to solve the problems. So if her stuff is implemented we will have both the looming problems and the negative parts of her drastic proposals. My be the only thing left is to ride out the troubles for several decades and see who is left standing.
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Anyone see anything wrong with this pic? Besides the couch on the roof?

How close the power line (?) appears to be hanging?
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