• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Games you're excited for or currently playing

I would love an arcade cabinet but not space to put one right now and most the games i like would be on a Naomi system...

My mini-snes has a lot of classic arcade games on it though, so playing on that with a joystick and older projector can be quite fun...
My plug into tv one is accurate because the joystick sticks lol, the machines don’t have that problem (yet). I’ve always thought about using scrap wood and an old tv to build a full machine for the small thing.
^ if you ever get around to building a frame would be interesting to see how it looks...

Over here i found actual cabinet machines for sale but again, due to lack of space and not sure where to find or how to add / change chipsets, i’ve kind if dispelled the idea of getting one... that and the fact my wife would probably kill me ???
I heard coc is going to be releasing a new townhall soon, I’ve stopped playing it but I still like seeing the updates it gets.
I heard coc is going to be releasing a new townhall soon, I’ve stopped playing it but I still like seeing the updates it gets.
I have played coc off and on through out the years. Just recently picked it back up since being stuck in lock down and not having my fish to keep me busy. I play fairly competitively and often share my fish in our discord server lol. Now that I am starting to get tanks back up( this week) I am playing it much less.

I also played a game a while back called ace fishing. It’s pretty neat on account you can catch some of the fish people post about and keep on here including rtc, arapaima, pbass, pairaiba, and more.
I have played coc off and on through out the years. Just recently picked it back up since being stuck in lock down and not having my fish to keep me busy. I play fairly competitively and often share my fish in our discord server lol. Now that I am starting to get tanks back up( this week) I am playing it much less.

I also played a game a while back called ace fishing. It’s pretty neat on account you can catch some of the fish people post about and keep on here including rtc, arapaima, pbass, pairaiba, and more.
The game has just grown into a money grabbing scheme and it’s becoming something else entirely than the game I grew to love over the 3 years I played it and I played it hardcore, I was easily logging 8 hours a day and waking up in the middle of the night to put my builders back to work when they finished and planning my time around whenever my camps would be done.
The game has just grown into a money grabbing scheme and it’s becoming something else entirely than the game I grew to love over the 3 years I played it and I played it hardcore, I was easily logging 8 hours a day and waking up in the middle of the night to put my builders back to work when they finished and planning my time around whenever my camps would be done.
I know that all too well. I have 5 accounts going simultaneously- but I am taking a break until I can figure out my ray tank situation.
Back in my peak I could have ran two, maybe even three accounts hardcore while keeping each account’s builders busy and whatnot. That was in middle school though when I had no obligations except to my parents of not getting myself killed by walking infront of a car while playing coc lol. These days I couldn’t even keep 1 builder nonstop working on a single account even if I wanted to.

Pm me about your ray situation and I’ll respond when I can bud. Heading off now.