Games you're excited for or currently playing

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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Back in my peak I could have ran two, maybe even three accounts hardcore while keeping each account’s builders busy and whatnot. That was in middle school though when I had no obligations except to my parents of not getting myself killed by walking infront of a car while playing coc lol. These days I couldn’t even keep 1 builder nonstop working on a single account even if I wanted to.

Pm me about your ray situation and I’ll respond when I can bud. Heading off now.
my friend has like 7-8 accounts, very competitive. One of the top 1000 players in the country. Or maybe his clan is I'm not sure?
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The gaming business is crazy nowadays.

I didn’t start playing games until the mid 90s and I had already been a programmer 20 years.** I did some pretty involved levels for Duke Nukem 3D and Descent: destination Saturn.

By then I was working for a structural engineer, and one of the buildings I put in to Duke Nukem was a replica of a big “Gothic”Church*** that we had designed, with towers and an oculus.

At some point you had to get to the church enter it, kill all the monsters in the church, and jump down into the baptistery (to continue swimming underwater) without hitting the X. church was in the shape of the X and if you step on the X shaped floor tile in the middle of the church it shot you up to the oculus and you died.

Anyhow I lost my custom levels years ago in a system crash, and I totally quit playing computer games about the year 2006. this was after my dad died and I took over everything in the family that he had been doing.

By that time in history I had collected over 200 games for the personal computer and they’re all boxed up in my attic to this day.

**I programmed industrial machinery at work. Not games.

***It was a modern church made with a concrete tile roof and fancy concrete blocks, but it had big Gothic windows and 4 towers.
I’m pumped for halo infinite and my wife wants the Harry Potter game coming out next year

I remember when the original Halo came out. I got the pre-release demo levels on a CD. They are still in my office. I think I may have actually bought the first release of the game.

I have no idea what the new ones are like, but in the old one basically you had flying body armor and a variety of fuel and weapons, and you could direct various combat missions against various entities.
I just
I remember when the original Halo came out. I got the pre-release demo levels on a CD. They are still in my office. I think I may have actually bought the first release of the game.

I have no idea what the new ones are like, but in the old one basically you had flying body armor and a variety of fuel and weapons, and you could direct various combat missions against various entities.
I just hope it’s reminiscent of halo 3. Best one IMO
Is it weird that I'm playing COD BO2 in 2021?
By far the best COD game but yes it is weird that you’re playing it in 2021 also r.i.p COD BO2 I remember staying up all night playing with my friends on that game and getting caught and yelled at at 5 am cause I accidentally laughed too loud
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