GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I am thinking about buying a baby pink giant gourami about 2 inches in size can anyone tell me what sort of tank set up i should have? I am goin to put it in a 2ft tank but upgrade to a bigger tank when it gets a bit bigger. Also can anyone suggest some other fish tp keep with it?
Also got a pic of me and Fillets the 2ft GG at our lfs..

frasertheking;2113034; said:
hmm i have a small rtgg hw looks identical to the uk rtgg above. im interested in how to sex my little fella he is around 9 inch ?
Look at the dorsal, long and thin usually means female, if it's a red tail, post a snap and Tequila will give you a postive sexing.

GiangNOOO;2113134; said:
got me a pair of golden archer gouramis i think they are just the common white ones right?
I've heard of giants being referred to as archers before

Loulou;2113828; said:
Mine currently is getting only shrimps...

Brother Yanbbrox, that GG of yours eats better than I do! :ROFL:
Did I miss shrimp on the list, prawns too:)
aliaz666;2114396; said:
I am thinking about buying a baby pink giant gourami about 2 inches in size can anyone tell me what sort of tank set up i should have? I am goin to put it in a 2ft tank but upgrade to a bigger tank when it gets a bit bigger. Also can anyone suggest some other fish tp keep with it?
Also got a pic of me and Fillets the 2ft GG at our lfs..
A 2 foot tank would be a bit small, you'll end up upgrading it very quickly. I'd upgrade now to save yourself the trouble.
As for tank mates it depends on the temperament of the fish, some will get along with anything others won't and there is no way to tell.
crazy clowntang;2109408; said:
sorry this is the new GG i got. don't know what kind he is but will post more and i will resize the pics


He looks to be a she too me.:irked:
I just received two baby Giant Gourami's about a month ago. Water param's are perfect and temp is right at 79-82. Both just died within the last 24 hours. I'm so bummed out. I can never find babies in my area and finally did an then this happens. Their diet was flakes. shrimp. blood worms and small pellets. Any insight as to why this might have happened? I was also wondering about tips for distributors online that sell them? I have a large tank currently cycling and they had a whole 75 to grow out in. Any ideas guys. I am so enamoured by these fish was glad to finally acquire some. I will try again. Just need to find them. Thanks.
crazy clowntang;2118793; said:
When feeding shrimp to GG's, should you feed it with the shell or without?

Never fed mine Shimp but i would say without the shel woud be best .
KNMG;2117592; said:
I just received two baby Giant Gourami's about a month ago. Water param's are perfect and temp is right at 79-82. Both just died within the last 24 hours. I'm so bummed out. I can never find babies in my area and finally did an then this happens. Their diet was flakes. shrimp. blood worms and small pellets. Any insight as to why this might have happened? I was also wondering about tips for distributors online that sell them? I have a large tank currently cycling and they had a whole 75 to grow out in. Any ideas guys. I am so enamoured by these fish was glad to finally acquire some. I will try again. Just need to find them. Thanks.

Sorry for your lose. :cry: But I can't imagine why they died. It could be any number of reasons.

crazy clowntang;2118793; said:
When feeding shrimp to GG's, should you feed it with the shell or without?

I think it depends on there size, mine wouldn't eat the shrimp tails when they where smaller but now they just inhale shrimp, shells and all. I think that the shells are good for them it's a good source of calcium for them. I wouldn't however feed them the heads, there way too spiney.

crazy clowntang;2119351; said:
So what is everybody else feeding their GG's?

This seems to be a question that just keeps coming page after page. Basically anything your willing to feed them. From flakes then onto pellets then later you can switch over to finger foods and on to full size foot long sandwiches and even onward too full seven course meals, with a little bubblely on the side, but only if you do the bubblely plan on doing a 60% water change right after, so theres no worries of hang overs later.
Tequila;2119451; said:

This seems to be a question that just keeps coming page after page. Basically anything your willing to feed them. From flakes then onto pellets then later you can switch over to finger foods and on to full size foot long sandwiches and even onward too full seven course meals, with a little bubblely on the side, but only if you do the bubblely plan on doing a 60% water change right after, so theres no worries of hang overs later.