GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
noiesmo;2423092; said:
I got him 6 months ago, so probably about 9-11 months :)
It's grown a lot since the last time we had a picture, thanks for posting
zennzzo;2423567; said:
Yanbbrox, did I already ask you if you have Juvi pix of George?
Not sure if you've asked before, I'll try and dig some up if they are any, you've seen the picture in the shop before?
This is about the earliest I can find:
Yanbbrox, hows the hole in the ground going, everything finally running smoothly yet?
zennzzo;2424056; said:
Thank You...I'm going to take this down to my LFS...the one he had was like the one I posted, but he said there is 3 or 4 species of GG that he can get. The one pic he showed me looks like yours, I do belive...;)

Ask him about Osphronemus septemfasciatus just to satisfy my curiosity, then get an Exodon;)

Tequila;2424407; said:
Yanbbrox, hows the hole in the ground going, everything finally running smoothly yet?

Last real update, one side of flagging to lay, battling the weather as always