GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Yanbbrox;2424471; said:

Last real update, one side of flagging to lay, battling the weather as always

Nice just tell me when I should ship you my Osphronemus septemfasciatus, that pool is about the size they'll need to relax and breed in, perfect! You did remember to install a heating system right?

D-day is fast approaching for @ least one of my GG as one of them has been invited to dinner, as a side dish that is.
Tequila;2424588; said:
Nice just tell me when I should ship you my Osphronemus septemfasciatus, that pool is about the size they'll need to relax and breed in, perfect! You did remember to install a heating system right?

D-day is fast approaching for @ least one of my GG as one of them has been invited to dinner, as a side dish that is.
As we don't speak much these days it's even harder than normal to work out if your being serious or not;)

Serious: you've got to be kidding, heating a 18000 litre pond:nilly:
Not Serious: :ROFL:

That's got to be tough, one is for dinner and you've had them that long, it's going to hard to pick which one
zennzzo;2424485; said:
you know I will!
That shot brings back memories of happier fish tank times, used to have 6 big dollars and 2 bala sharks in that tank then baby George came along and killed almost everything in one night when I was asleep, I'd love another big dollar tank. I'm now having the same problem with the oscars, one is starting to beat the crap out of the other one, the joys of fishkeeping eh?
an LFS near me has a big tank i thin k6x2x2?
with a giant gourami that is white, and an arawana. looks great and they get on fine!
anyone else kept these too? if so some pics would be cool =)
Bogwoodbruce;2419894; said:
RIP. 15" Net in pic
What happened, Bruce?

Eläköön;2424881; said:
an LFS near me has a big tank i thin k6x2x2?
with a giant gourami that is white, and an arawana. looks great and they get on fine!
anyone else kept these too? if so some pics would be cool =)

Yes it's been done, themightyoscar and Koji come to mind

Loulou;2426965; said:
What happened, Bruce?

Been a few days and no word from Bruce, it's not like him not to miss a post opportunity;)

Any luck with the hunt Zen?
Yanbbrox;2427580; said:

Any luck with the hunt Zen?
Yeah they got the GG like in the post I made up there^^^^^^
but I spent my 350.00 budget this month already, but what's another 20 bux right?

Not to sure if I want one like the above pic or a red tail and I haven't heard about the exodon yet...
the owner will be in on monday
Went to the big LFS that I hate driving too today and they had 2 redtails which they now keep as pets, never seen a redtail before and were doing the lip locking dance that master Tequila's do. About 14-15'' both of them
Yanbbrox;2431421; said:
Went to the big LFS that I hate driving too today and they had 2 redtails which they now keep as pets, never seen a redtail before and were doing the lip locking dance that master Tequila's do. About 14-15'' both of them
from the pic my LFS had they aren't too bad looking as adults huh?
zennzzo;2431574; said:
from the pic my LFS had they aren't too bad looking as adults huh?
In all truth adult Giants are so ugly even a mother wouldn't love them but thats the appeal, they are so ugly they become so cute and at the same time and they have so much personality, which for me is the key, they know everything that goes on in the room. They know when your trying to take a good photo and on purpose, play up and hide, George is such a moody fish, when he was a baby he used to feed from the hand now he ignores this and sulks in the corner because he knows your trying to take a photo, the wife's chair is next to the tank and see calls him by name and gets him to swim up and down and side to side in motion with her hand, he just runs and hides from me when ever I go near the tank.

And to think it's all because of this fish I joined this site! I was researching giant gouramis and before you know it I had 1000 posts:nilly: