GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
mark7616;2595504; said:
What diet are you guys feeding your juvie gouramis to help in growth at the minute mine eats the hikari pellets that go in for the cichlids, earthworm pellets and loves the prawn I put in for the knife and dats. Is there anything special I should be feeding the GG or is its diet ok?

Now I started feeding mine Live Bloodworms/Blackworms/Tubeflexworms when they were a mear 4" and they were 8~10" females and 12~14" males in under 12 months. And I wasn't doing any real power feeding, I was feeding twice a day. Now that there in the 12" females and 17" males range I just feed them anything, or should I say anything normal that is:

Fresh Lettuce, Basil, some Spinach, Freeze dried Krill, Superworms & Mealworms, (in the summer time Live Earthworms, Waxworms, Crickets) and once in awhile a thawed pinkies, Shrimp and left over Lobster, Turtle stix, old car parts,stray cats. bottle caps and loose change.

zennzzo;2595508; said:
I been power feeding blood worms till a few days ago when he started eating Hikari Food Sticks...

This is one of the best power feeding ideas I've heard so far, especially if there live worms.

Yanbbrox;2595509; said:
Veg, veg and more veg. They will eat anything and by anything that includes pizza but go for veg.

Lettuce, mango, pomegranate seed are a favorite as well. Ours goes through a lettuce every other day.

Yeah that what my filter needs is Mango and Pomegranate seeds/juice & some Pizza grease :screwy:

Yanbbrox;2595517; said:
Bloodwood cubes, daphnia cubes were getting expensive so he doesn't get them as much now, especially at 4-8 cubes a sitting, having said that the oscars get through enough

Yeah Yanbbrox is getting cheap now that he dug a huge pit outback and filled it with Ice.;)
Tequila;2612841; said:
Shrimp and left over Lobster, Turtle stix, old car parts,stray cats. bottle caps and loose change.
shrimp, no problem,
No such thing as left over lobster at my house,
turtle stix?!
do you make those with live turtles??
the rest of the stuff I got laying around in the bottom of the tank and he doesn't seem to respond to it! :ROFL:
Given as gift by my friend. Was in 3 footer tank for 2 years and now reside in my 5 footer tank.
Tank mates: 4 Oscars
traydogg6969;2615095; said:
my redtail GG its about 19"

shchiam1978;2615160; said:
Given as gift by my friend. Was in 3 footer tank for 2 years and now reside in my 5 footer tank.
Tank mates: 4 Oscars
Nice pics guys, welcome to MFK Tray
zennzzo;2615116; said:
shrimp, no problem,
No such thing as left over lobster at my house,
turtle stix?!
do you make those with live turtles??
the rest of the stuff I got laying around in the bottom of the tank and he doesn't seem to respond to it! :ROFL:

Well not exactly leftovers just some bits and pieces while lobster is dirt cheap they love it raw or cooked they really don't care. Kinda like me :D. Turtle Stix cost enough that it should be made out of Turtles.

I would suggest that you try a floating worm feeder full of either blood/black/tubiflex-worms and let him eat as much as it wants, also keep the water temp at between 82F~85F to keep the fishes metabolic rate high. I wouldn't worry too much about veggies if your beast isn't eating them. Otherwise float a piece of lettuce in the tank.
