GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Matt Fisher;1290486; said:
I picked up a black background for Gussy, figuring it would look nice with the whole family showing up tomorrow. Unfortunately, after I pulled the top off the tank and slid the background in, Gussy freaked out and went for a walk. Out of the tank. On the desk. Then on the carpet. I picked him up and put him in the tank (missed an opportunity to measure and weigh him, hehe), but he somehow cut himself during the adventure. Now there's blood on the carpet and the tank is a lovely hue of red, perfect for Halloween. Too bad we're celebrating Thanksgiving, huh? My wife will be soooo pleased with the "new" look for the guests....

There seems to be some skin scraped back in his anus region, and I think the gill area is where the blood came from, though I don't see any injury there. The last inch of his tail is a vivid red, rather pretty actually. Although he seems very passive towards me when I get in front of the tank (no "kissing"), everything else appears OK.

I've had him on Melafix, an antibacterial fish medication, since Friday in an attempt to "seal" his fins (see comments from Yanbbrox a few pages ago), I'm guessing I should continue the treatment, possibly for a longer period of time now?
Sounds nasty keep us updated.
Poor Gussy :( I hope he gets better quickly... the Melafix should do the trick for his injuries... you can also add some salt after the treatment... ensure you keep the water perfectly clean...

The blood from his gills must have come from the shock of having been out of the water... not really serious...
Well, this morning everything seems OK. Gussy's tail fin still has a ring of red on the outermost edge, I got the blood out of the carpet and there's no visible blood in the tank. Last night I turned out all the lights and put the black background on; Gussy seems fine with it this morning. However, it makes the tank look dark (I don't have a tank light), and my wife wants me to try the blue side of the background. I think I'll wait until it gets dark to do so....

Loulou, how much salt (75us gal tank), and what kind of salt? Table salt with iodine, sea salt, Real Salt, rock salt, ec?
Matt Fisher;1291644; said:
Well, this morning everything seems OK. Gussy's tail fin still has a ring of red on the outermost edge, I got the blood out of the carpet and there's no visible blood in the tank. Last night I turned out all the lights and put the black background on; Gussy seems fine with it this morning. However, it makes the tank look dark (I don't have a tank light), and my wife wants me to try the blue side of the background. I think I'll wait until it gets dark to do so....

Loulou, how much salt (75us gal tank), and what kind of salt? Table salt with iodine, sea salt, Real Salt, rock salt, ec?
Why not invest in a light tube? It won't cost much and will make him look great!
Sorry to hear about Gussy, melafix is about the best all round med for this sort of thing. I've stopped using it recently after hearing a few horror stories about using it with discus but personally I've never had a problem with it. Double check you have no carbon in your filters or it will not work anywhere as well as the carbon filters out the treatment.

Like I said, not used it in a whilst but if memory serves, you treat with the correct amount for 5 days and then do a 25% water change at the end. You can also use it along side primafix (anti fungal treatment), also made by API if any of the wound start showing signs of a serious infection.

Though it sounds like he's well on the road to recovery, hope it all works out, keep us updated and post a pic when he's feeling better.
I pulled the background off the tank. Gussy was having a fit, trying to fight the backside of the tank, splashing all kinds of water everywhere, even gave himself a nice red lip from continually ramming the tank. When I come across a bigger tank to drop him into, I'll put a background on that one.

I pulled the carbon out of the filter prior to starting the medication, and on Saturday I'll do the 25% change. How will I know if the wounds are infected?

I looked into light tubes a year ago, I think they were more than I wanted to spend. Bugger part is the old lady that gave me Gussy had one and I didn't bother to grab it, thinking a new light would be cheap. Some kind of special bulb brings the cost up, I guess.
How much do you need to spend? a simple fluorescent rig would do fine for now and you could upgrade later to some decent tubes, just keep the light rig on for a small of 'show'time, he's obviously fine without the extra light....

Keep an eye on any fungal growth, post pics if concerned
Sorry m8, need to go to bed nearly midnight over here, I'll post back tomorrow, anything serious, I can log in at work and have a look

Hope all is going well

Matt Fisher;1291644; said:
Loulou, how much salt (75us gal tank), and what kind of salt? Table salt with iodine, sea salt, Real Salt, rock salt, ec?
I won't advise you to use the salt until you have completed the melafix treatment... better not mix those - dunno whether there might be any reaction between the two but don't wanna take any risks.

Well, normally you can use aquarium salt - available in all LFS. I personally use table salt that doesn't contain iodine - just raw Sodium Chloride (which is easily available here as we are on an island with loads of salt beds...).

In terms of quantity, I suggest a tablespoon to aid the healing process. Not too much... then again, many websites advise different quantities.

Please post some pictures so we can check the injuries (and stare at your beautiful friend and drool!). :)
Anyone know if GG/GRTG make for good eating?:popcorn: