I picked up a black background for Gussy, figuring it would look nice with the whole family showing up tomorrow. Unfortunately, after I pulled the top off the tank and slid the background in, Gussy freaked out and went for a walk. Out of the tank. On the desk. Then on the carpet. I picked him up and put him in the tank (missed an opportunity to measure and weigh him, hehe), but he somehow cut himself during the adventure. Now there's blood on the carpet and the tank is a lovely hue of red, perfect for Halloween. Too bad we're celebrating Thanksgiving, huh? My wife will be soooo pleased with the "new" look for the guests....
There seems to be some skin scraped back in his anus region, and I think the gill area is where the blood came from, though I don't see any injury there. The last inch of his tail is a vivid red, rather pretty actually. Although he seems very passive towards me when I get in front of the tank (no "kissing"), everything else appears OK.
I've had him on Melafix, an antibacterial fish medication, since Friday in an attempt to "seal" his fins (see comments from Yanbbrox a few pages ago), I'm guessing I should continue the treatment, possibly for a longer period of time now?