I'm already missing her...She has provided me hours and hours of GG entertainment. Don't know what I'm gonna do with all the leftover salad either...maybe just prepare less...
I just wish she has a good life and I know George will do the very best he can with her...He's got that brand new big tank, so she'll have run of the place just as she deserves...the only conditions are that we get iVisitation rights here on this thread...
Looks like he'll be doin' the road trip the first part of Dec. so I'll have plenty of time to condition her for the drive...I'll feed her 3 times a day for a few days, then peas for 2 days then nothing for the 3 days prior to him arriving to get her...that way she'll not dirty the water too bad and with a bit of circulation she'll be fine for the 8hrs tops she'll be on the road...then all he'll have to do is acclament her and she'll be fine...
I'll have to get the PH from george and try to match that here so she'll be more comfortable there...